stupid question (ringtone folder)


Well-known member
May 21, 2012
i should know coz ive done it plenty times before but where is the system ringtone folder so i can put an mp3 in it.
thanx *red face*

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
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Re: stupid question

man ive even told people how to do this....... lol stupid brain.....

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
short, sweet and welcomed.
thanks again bro

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
more red face.
for some reason, it wouldnt copy but while i was in toilet, my bb owning fiance was playing with it, went to "ringtone" in settings, was given a choice of what to use, chose ES File explorer, found my music folder and chose it from there and it worked lmao.
feel i should give her credit n respect her more lol.
i always choose the most complex way of doin things.
Women know best! :)

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
I do that often. I need to get rid of all the file explorers except the one I use most so I stop f'ing it up
lmao whats ur fav mate?
i actualy use MyFiles for most stuff, its like..... Lego.
ES is my fav 3rd party one through habit :)

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
I think I am gonna just go with es.

It is a bit more flexible with mounts and the like. Now I just have to decide on a new rom. I am a bit bored with the one I am on, and I have a saying.

If it ain't broke, keep fixing it until it is.

Sent from the nexus of the Android world, the SGS3.
lol ive decided to stay stock until a perfect AOSP rom comes out.
still rooted though with Sydia kernel clocked at 1.5 (stock is 1.4 on the global)
seems like a nice set up.... although Sky Map crashed earlyer....

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
What's wrong with the cm 10 that is out now? I thought everything was good with it.

We got in trouble in the other thread.... Obama is to blame

Sent from the nexus of the Android world, the SGS3.
which thread?
I jst want something complete.... no nightlies, no fuss, n TW 4.1.2 seems to be serving me fine at 1.5ghz so ill just wait till the s3 is in the same boat as the s2..... very capable and heavily supported i think :)

p.s, ive noted a few cases of this forum bein inherantly racist so maybe obama is to blame lol..

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
The thread we have been bumping for fun.

Don't know why the mod is being a bit of a jerk, we were having a discussion. Anyway, when I ran cm, I thought it was fine. I think most of the nightly stuff is additional mods and tweaks. I am talking about 10, not 10.1.

Ibam not an aosp fan so I am waiting on a leak for 4.?.? To show up, but in the mean time I feel the need to fiddle with stuff.

It is either the phone or my tablet, and I know just enough to be dangerous with the tablet. I am sure I will brick it.

Sent from the nexus of the Android world, the SGS3.
lmao this is my only device so i cant destroy it :)
yeah that mods bein a bit heavy handed!
didnt even know he was a mod tbh.
oh well, maybe he's depressd, :(

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
If you gentlemen have an issue with the staff here, feel free to report the post as if it were any other member.
Sitting here and talking about it only draws attention that neither of you want.

Nah not really, we were just having some fun in another thread that got pooped on.

No biggie

Sent from the nexus of the Android world, the SGS3.
If you gentlemen have an issue with the staff here, feel free to report the post as if it were any other member.
Sitting here and talking about it only draws attention that neither of you want.


i dont like reporting people jerry.
as i said, maybe he's depressed/having a bad day.
he was heavy handed and if u have a problem with me then please pm

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer: i lose my prizes if i get banned btw? gen' question

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:

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