Swiping screen won't save screen


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2009
My Galaxy Note 4 came back for the third time and now when I swipe my hand over the screen it doesn't create a screenshot. I use that all the time. So guess what, Samsung wants me to send it back again for the 4th time as if this is the easiest thing in the world to do and all I am put on this Earth for is to keep reloading from factory resets and repairs.

I told them also that email was extremely slow and the Galaxy Note 2 is faster. So, do I send it back for a 4th time or do I try to get in touch with Samsung corporate and get a new Galaxy Note 8? Isn't it hard to believe that nobody who Samsung is reading this if that's the case then they are complete imbeciles .

Time is money and I'm a CPA and it's tax season and I don't have time for all this and this is been going on really since the Galaxy Note 2 because of the heating situation and batteries expanding and not fitting in the phone anymore and memory locations getting ruined and who knows what else got ruin that would cause all these problems. The last time I sent it in I wasn't able to reply to an email because it kept saying loading messages.

First of all is there anyway I can fix this screen swipe situation or do you think it's another screw up in the repair function. They won't even tell me what they repaired and what components they put in which I was really pissed off about because I don't know if they know what they're doing. I complained about the batteries so they cling to the fact that there could be a power issue and fpr all I know is they changed the power supply wherever that is. Before I sent the phone to Texas I tried to make them aware at least three times that even though the phone has a battery issue there are other things happening that might be a byproduct of the battery issue and therefore they need to change everything electronic except the screen. Of course they said oh no problem it doesn't matter that the repair order only says battery issues they know cuz it's detailed on the record each time I called or wrote to them on Twitter. So how do I know if they're telling me the truth and how do I know if the repair person took the time to look through all the notes or just work on the battery issue and did nothing.

I don't think Apple treats their customers like this and I don't think Apple has as many problems and I certainly know that Apple doesn't have the heating up problems that Samsung has. If This Were a few months ago I would have bought an LG v20 and just forgot in the bath day Galaxy Note 4. I really don't know about the LG phones but my Galaxy Note 2 and my Galaxy Note 4 produced a ton of unusable batteries because they expanded and they even erased the White Tag inside the battery compartment which identify the phone. Samsung blame me for that.

So what do you think? How do I get them to be honest or at least ? How do I get them to tell me what they did? I think I'm going to have to go to corporate and complain like crazy.


Q&A Team
Nov 22, 2014
1. Expanding batteries is not a phone problem. The very nature of our battery tech gives each and every battery we produce that risk. However it is also a product of both the nature of the battery and the situation it is placed in. Could be something faulty in the phone but statistically it is more likely user induced especiallt if the phone is checked already. I have no doubt you'll also experience expanding batteries no matter what brand you go. I've used 4 different cellphone brands and at one point experienced expanding batteries on all. The only reason Apple don't get that rap is because users can't check their batteries and it gets throttled with updated.

2. Apple did have overheating problems before. But the only reason they don't have those issues anymore is because they throttle the phone after updates. They already admitted this, that they intentionally slow down phones with updates. So they don't heat up because it's not operating at full capacity. If you wish to do this on a Samsung just enable power saving mode to throttle CPU to 70% performance to prevent heating.

3. As for the Note 4, it's time for you to move on. That specific model has been plagued with bugs because components haven't aged well. One of the most common culprits is the MMC module the one they used in it appears to deteriorate faster than other models. Older Galaxy S3, Note 2 and even the same generation S5 doesn't have the MMC errors the Note 4 is getting. So I'd suggest getting something newer instead. If you go LG, just stay away from anything older than the V20 and you should be fine. A first gen Pixel is also a great choice. If you plan to stick with Samsung the main advantage is a sort of familiarity, knowing their support channels, and a one touch method of migrating from your Note 4 to the newer one. But I do understand if you think you won't give them another chance.

4. All in all I feel complaining will get you nothing but headache and just move on to a newer unit.


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2009
is there an alternate way to do a screen capture besides the Swype which is not working now?


Q&A Team
Nov 22, 2014
is there an alternate way to do a screen capture besides the Swype which is not working now?
Yes. Hold home and power at the same time. That works for all Samsung phones and I've always found that better than swipe. Or since you have a Note, long pressing the pen on the screen also triggers a screenshot.