Switched back to the S7 Edge after using an iPhone 7 Plus for a few months


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2010
I had an S7 Edge for a while but wanted to try the iPhone 7 Plus when it came out. It was a good phone but decided to switch back...

Just my take but it appears that Apple is resting on its laurels and made a business decision that a lot of people are just going to buy their phones no matter what so they don't need to be as competitive when it comes to hardware or software...both of which are better on the S7 Edge with the exception of stereo speakers.

Also, i upgraded to Nougat and it seems like my S7 Edge updated fairly well. I've noticed an increase in battery life from a few months ago. That's the only area the iPhone 7 Plus has the Edge beat is with it's insane battery life, but with Nougat the gap has narrowed a bit.

Just my thoughts
There are areas where iOS is better. Cloud synchronization is vastly superior. App quality tends to be much better. I love how every single facet of the phone is synced even the homescreen layout. The updates (or lack of on S7 edge). Bloat ware. App redundancy with multiple calendars (getting notifications from both to boot, so annoying). The i7+ is so much smoother too. It feels twice as fast as my S7 edge. It never hiccuped on me. Battery life is vastly superior. I never experienced a random odd drain like I do on virtually ALL android devices at one time or another. It comes at a price though of being locked down with no file system access. 3rd party watches don't work worth crap. You can't just download any file you want from the internet without jailbreaking.

There's pros and cons to both.
My main problem is whenever I'm using one, I miss the other. Actually I don't really miss android when I'm using iOS but I do miss being able to download any file I want, or torrent or wireless hotspot at my own will. I
iOS just updates and security on a more timely manner.

Apple File System (AFP) in 10.3 and use of faster NAND storage.

Slow and steady? Miss wireless charging and AMOLD?

My iPhone 6S Plus really needed 10.x and I think same with the 7 Plus, 10.x was not "ready" and iOS really needs a year for any new hardware is my experience. I tend to buy iPhone at least 6-9 months after release. Same for any Mac too.

Right now enjoying Huawei Mate 9 instead, and got rid of Samsung S7. Think I am done with Sammy, mainly it's software interpretation of Android. Was set on becoming a Note7 owner though.

I think with Apple I have more trust in what they gave and do. Probably be buying iPhone a year from now. I'm sure they'll have kinks and bugs to work through as usual.
I think Apple has Android beat on housekeeping things such as initial setup, better power consumption, etc...but after using the iPhone for a few months I was just done. The notification system is superior on Android and pretty much has a life of it's own on the iPhone. Also battery life is better on the plus models BUT the S7 Edge with Nougat has closed the gap quite a bit. I set the battery saving mode to the lowest screen resolution and limited background apps and it closed the gap quite a bit.

Overall, I'm very happy coming back to the S7 Edge and am tossing my iPhone on eBay. The iPhone's resale value is a plus in this case lol. The S7 Edge is roughy 1 year old and I was able to buy a like new one with a 1 year squaretrade warranty for about $470 which isn't too bad on the resale value side.
I think Apple has Android beat on housekeeping things such as initial setup, better power consumption, etc...but after using the iPhone for a few months I was just done. The notification system is superior on Android and pretty much has a life of it's own on the iPhone. Also battery life is better on the plus models BUT the S7 Edge with Nougat has closed the gap quite a bit. I set the battery saving mode to the lowest screen resolution and limited background apps and it closed the gap quite a bit.

Overall, I'm very happy coming back to the S7 Edge and am tossing my iPhone on eBay. The iPhone's resale value is a plus in this case lol. The S7 Edge is roughy 1 year old and I was able to buy a like new one with a 1 year squaretrade warranty for about $470 which isn't too bad on the resale value side.

I'm threatening to put my iPhone 7 on ebay also. Haven't made the leap yet but I'm considering it.

My S7E is definitely harder to put down than my iPhone 7. There are many things I prefer on the Edge.
I love both. iOS is superior for app quality and battery life. iOS is also more fluid and fast. iMessage and FaceTime are amazing. I also love that if the phone has problems or damage I can use my apple care at one of their stores. I don't have to deal with carrier stores or drama.

Android has a far superior notification system. I also love the customizability and file system. Plus things like ringtones, file access and third party keyboards are just better. I also love that android phones have fast charging and wireless charging.
Don't worry, Apple will introduce wireless charging and fast charging in the future. They will probably do as normal and introduce one at a time. Those two features are becoming android phones most loved features and Apple will eventually copy them and add it, just like they did with big screens
Don't worry, Apple will introduce wireless charging and fast charging in the future. They will probably do as normal and introduce one at a time. Those two features are becoming android phones most loved features and Apple will eventually copy them and add it, just like they did with big screens

Innovative and revolutionary. Yet another Apple first
I had an S7 Edge for a while but wanted to try the iPhone 7 Plus when it came out. It was a good phone but decided to switch back...

Just my take but it appears that Apple is resting on its laurels and made a business decision that a lot of people are just going to buy their phones no matter what so they don't need to be as competitive when it comes to hardware or software...both of which are better on the S7 Edge with the exception of stereo speakers.

Also, i upgraded to Nougat and it seems like my S7 Edge updated fairly well. I've noticed an increase in battery life from a few months ago. That's the only area the iPhone 7 Plus has the Edge beat is with it's insane battery life, but with Nougat the gap has narrowed a bit.

Just my thoughts

I own both the S7 edge and the iPhone 7 Plus and each has their strengths and weaknesses. I love owning one iOS device and one Android device. If I get sick of one, I go to the other (and vice versa).
Just my take but it appears that Apple is resting on its laurels and made a business decision that a lot of people are just going to buy their phones no matter what so they don't need to be as competitive.

I disagree here. Apple's decision is catering to the masses. Of all the S7 owners out there, what percentage are using its latest bells and whistles regularly? I would say over 90% of the population use their smartphones only for emails/texts and running apps.

Instead of making changes for the sake of bringing out something new every year, Apple focuses on improving the experience for the masses - keeping it simple and 'just work'.

At the moment, I do use an S7 as a second phone along with my 7+. It is my travel phone, so I don't have to switch sims and mess up my iMessage. The S7 does have better tethering capabilities, which I fully acknowledge. But again, it's another "bells and whistles" that very few care.
My friends 7 plus looks like a huge brick next to my 7 edge even though it has the same size display. Even worse with a case on it.
I did the same thing. I used the iPhone for a few months and now I'm back on the S7E. As some have mentioned, they both have their ups and downs. For me I miss more things not using an android phone than not using the iPhone.
I've used iPhones since the iPhone 4 launch to the iPhone 6 Plus.

I usually ended up jailbreaking them in order to unlock their true potential. Apples sandboxing sure does throttle them. On the flip side this is why they are considered more secure than Android. I'm not 100% convinced. ;)

It's a breath of fresh air with my s7 edge. The customisation is off the chart coming from an iPhone. Mines unbranded with no network bloat ware.

The joy of being able to place an App Icon on my home screen where I want and not where Apple dictates is a joy.

As for iOS updates. Yes they are typically better at pushing them out, but as Apple wants to drive the newest out on as many different iPhone models they can this can have an impact on the phones health.

On my previous iPhone 6 Plus I ended up having to throttle its aesthetic features to stop lag because of the most recent iOS update at the time.

The s7 edge screen is just breathtaking.

Some have issues being caught up in Apples Eco-System. Not in my case !
Apple made the conscious decision around 2011 to move away from being a technology company and move toward becoming a fashion company. It was a risky decision because fashion can come and go. So far they're riding the crest of the wave but are at the whim of teenage girls. One need only see how risky it is by looking at the carcasses of dead fashion companies like Bugle Boy.

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