Switched from Apple Watch and iPhone to S8 and Gear S2. Few Questions.


May 13, 2017
I made the switch from an iPhone and Apple Watch combo to a Gear S2 3G (that I'm using with the cellular turned off, only bluetooth to the phone) and a Galaxy S8. There's a few things I'm trying to figure out, and it seems maybe it isn't possible.

1) Is there a way to get notifications to only sound on the watch when wearing it? On the Apple Watch, when I got a notification the watch would alert me to it, while the phone would stay silent. I don't really want them both vibrating and making sound to notify me, just the watch is enough. I can't seem to find a way to do it on the S2 though.

2) Is there any way to customize the always on display that's associated with a watch face? I like the Basic watch face, but the always on display that's associated with the modern utility face better. Based on what I've found, the answer is you can't adjust it.

3) Is there a way to clear the message notifications on my phone once I've read them on my watch without having to tap the 3 dot menu, then open the message in the message app? That's a lot of steps to clear the notification.
I can only answer the 3rd one since I don't have the 3G version so no speaker. I just swipe up on my notification to dismiss it.
I can only answer the 3rd one since I don't have the 3G version so no speaker. I just swipe up on my notification to dismiss it.

That dismisses it on the watch, but when I open my phone I still see an unread message notification. I'm wondering if there's a way to sync that up, and have the message marked as read when it's dismissed from the watch.
For #1 I keep my phone on mute (no sounds or vibrate) and then have my watch set to vibrate. Then if I take off my watch for charging I turn on sound on the phone. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to automatically change this when you put on or take off the watch.

For #2 I think unfortunately you'd have to change the watch face manually depending on which AOD you prefer.

For #3 you can set the notifications to clear on the phone when you dismiss them on the watch. Unfortunately the items do still appear as unread in the app. You can long-press on the app and hit clear badges but when you go in it would still show as a new message unless you do as you mentioned with the 3 dot menu. Hopefully if someone else has figured out a trick they will post a reply for us.
Yeah, it just took a bit to get used to the different way the S2 and S8 work together compared to the Apple watch. I've just accepted I can't change the always on face, and put the phone on silent when I only want the watch to sound notifications. I'm happy with the combo, it just works together a little different.
OP… what do you like best about the switch?

Better about the phone: the display. It's amazing!

Better about the watch: the round design. More like an actual watch.

Better about Android: the way notifications are handled.
Glad you are happy.. It's a big change.
I hear the S4 may look very similar to the Apple watch.
I know this is an old message, but I see that you mentioned using a Gear S2 with a Samsung galaxy phone using only Bluetooth. My daughter's been pushing me to get an iPhone 8+ and use my current Samsung S6 Active for my watch. Do you have any advice about using a Gear watch via Bluetooth on a phone without cell service?? Did you have to keep the inactive phone with you while wearing the watch? Does the watch function well as a stand-alone in the absence of that phone? Does the watch automatically pair up/sync with the phone once it's back in range?? Sorry for so many questions, just want to be able to make the best decision. Thanks so much for any feedback you can provide.
I know this is an old message, but I see that you mentioned using a Gear S2 with a Samsung galaxy phone using only Bluetooth. My daughter's been pushing me to get an iPhone 8+ and use my current Samsung S6 Active for my watch. Do you have any advice about using a Gear watch via Bluetooth on a phone without cell service?? Did you have to keep the inactive phone with you while wearing the watch? Does the watch function well as a stand-alone in the absence of that phone? Does the watch automatically pair up/sync with the phone once it's back in range?? Sorry for so many questions, just want to be able to make the best decision. Thanks so much for any feedback you can provide.

I wasn’t using it with a phone without cell service. I had the version of the watch that had cell service, but never activated the watch. The phone had service when I had it. I’m back on iPhone and Apple Watch though, so I can’t me much help.

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