switching and synching


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
I am having a real dilemma about not being able to 100% commit to the iPhone or Nexus. There are drawbacks to each that has me reverting to the other phone from time to time hoping I will reach some conclusion.

The biggest issue with constantly switching is how I manage my contacts and calendars. I currently use MobileMe to wirelessly synch between the laptop and the iPhone. (I am not interested in a desktop / cabled synch.) In order to get the same feature on the Nexus I have to synch all my desktop info with Google. Works great for the Nexus. Problem is when I go back to the iPhone (for reasons above). Google Synch for the iPhone isn't great and trying to keep calendars and contacts in agreement between Google Apps > Desktop > and Mobile Me is not working out.

Anybody else going through this? It seems that you have to commit to one phone and one vendor to make it all work flawlessly.


Jan 31, 2010
I am having a real dilemma about not being able to 100% commit to the iPhone or Nexus. There are drawbacks to each that has me reverting to the other phone from time to time hoping I will reach some conclusion.

The biggest issue with constantly switching is how I manage my contacts and calendars. I currently use MobileMe to wirelessly synch between the laptop and the iPhone. (I am not interested in a desktop / cabled synch.) In order to get the same feature on the Nexus I have to synch all my desktop info with Google. Works great for the Nexus. Problem is when I go back to the iPhone (for reasons above). Google Synch for the iPhone isn't great and trying to keep calendars and contacts in agreement between Google Apps > Desktop > and Mobile Me is not working out.

Anybody else going through this? It seems that you have to commit to one phone and one vendor to make it all work flawlessly.

I don't know the IPhone, but here's what you could do:

Let both the nexus and the iphone sync with the cloud (in this case, GMail, Google Calendar) and sync your desktop with both devices trough the cloud.
Desktop => Cloud
Google itself provides a program to sync your Outlook calendar with the google Calendar and there is a small open source program called "Go contact sync" (beta version, it is not perfect) which does the same for your contacts. (at least if you are a windows user)

Cloud => Iphone
For some stupid reason I cannot post links. (really helpful, thank you). Do a google search for "Google sync". The first hit is the one you need, there it is explained how to sync your iphone with the google services. You need the 3.0 Iphone firmware the instructions say.

Cloud => Nexus
native google apps


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
thanks. It's the Cloud -> iPhone part that has been unreliable; duplicate reminders, missing contacts, etc. (at least if I use Google Sync) The MobileMe cloud service works flawlessly - I guess the answer is to continue to use the Google Cloud and do a desktop synch for the days I want to go back to the iPhone. I did find SpanningSync for the Mac which seems to work. (I have multiple calendars so the native Google / iCal synch isn't good enough)

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