T mobile 10-28

That is comically late in relation to the press launch and STILL no pricing. LG needs to stop having the same people that manage their appliances and TV's do the same for their phones. Not the same market- especially for a device like this.

If Nougat or whatever was the timing issue- why do the press launch so early?? Imagine if they did the launch next week. They would have the press to themselves for an imminent launch instead of two months.

Also, still no word on other carriers. November?? Good one, LG!
Awesome news!

Too late for me but, if the ongoing saga of exploding Note 7s continues, I may be back.

I'll be checking in to see how all of you like it.
Definitely. The extra battery is much more useful to me than a pair of headphones, but that's awesome if they're just a bonus.

The battery is not that expensive....I'd rather have the headphones if they are really good quality.
I'm not surprised. November is normally when the second half of the year phones hit.....
But like most of us, I was surprised at LG's roll out so early and not using the momentum it created.

Ok, I'm getting this!!

Was 'thinking' of getting the N7 but then realized I'd miss the removable battery option too much, ;)

PLUS: LG is repairing my bootlooped Int unlocked G4 which technically had no warranty since I didn't purchase it (given to me by AC). They restored my faith in them by demonstrating their willingness to take care of their devices. Kudos LG!!
Glad there's finally some news. I would have preferred an extra battery and microSD card as a gift rather than the earphones, but it's better than nothing.
I'm hoping that we can still do the extra battery promotion. But the headphones are a nice addition, I've been a little irritated with the fact that LG never gives earbuds with their phones. I switched from the Nexus line back when the LG Optimus G was fairly new and went from there to the G2, G4, V10 and no earbuds. haha so if it comes with a "high end" earbud bonus... SURE why not?
Ok, I'm getting this!!

Was 'thinking' of getting the N7 but then realized I'd miss the removable battery option too much, ;)

PLUS: LG is repairing my bootlooped Int unlocked G4 which technically had no warranty since I didn't purchase it (given to me by AC). They restored my faith in them by demonstrating their willingness to take care of their devices. Kudos LG!!

I think the N7 is in a serious position since one of the replacements has now caught fire.
I'm not liking the price, however it is inline with everything else in the top tier at the momnet

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