I downloaded the update this morning and installed it. I haven't done much with the camera all day since I was working. Any noticeable improvements in the post-processing or new photo modes?
I've still not seen the Feb Update from T-mobile (Sprint). Am I alone in this?
Same. Boat. Frustrating because tmobiles web side says AUAG there. Says after 2/24 there are no download limits. Says you can use Smart Switch for windows to update, but even that tells me AUA3 is the most current version and I'm up to date.
Are you a Sprint customer? I wonder if that has something to do with it. I've still not seen an update.
EDIT: On the phone with Sprint's tech support. No one seems to even know about security patches. Like they've never heard of them.
EDIT 2: After an hour and a half on the phone, I found a post on Samsung's page where someone swapped their new T-Mobile sim for their old Sprint sim and immediately got the update. I did the same, and it worked. It is an ugly process though, as Sprint and T-Mobile software is added and removed. But I'm back on T-mobile with the current patch.
Anyone else still waiting on the T-Mobile Feb update? I'm not overly concerned about getting it slow. I just want to make sure that I'm not being excluded from updates for whatever reason.