Tab S 10.5 Takes the big dive


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Aug 27, 2011
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Over the past three days, I have been reflecting on my overall, tech experience that began somewhere around 1984. Since then, I've been pretty much an early adopter of a host of technologies, brands and operating systems. It occurs to me that my luck has been remarkable. I've never had a device just totally fail on me for no reason...until this week. It began when my S4 phone's SD card (Samsung brand) took a dive...that's never happened to me before.

Then, on Tuesday, just two days before the busiest shopping season of the year is to begin, my Tab S 10.5 decided to die. I had it plugged in to charge but it was on and I was streaming Pandora. That's it. About 2 hours into this, the tablet decided to reboot but froze at the splash screen. When I realized the music had stopped and saw the screen, I wasn't even able to reboot it, the tablet was frozen. So, I removed that SD card and, cursing the technology gods, went for the factory reset (Volume up, Power button and Home button). Nothing happened. Multiple tries of this and nothing happened. I could not believe it. I began to Google the issue. Suddenly, I notice that the tablet had rebooted and was now offering to perform a Factory Reset. I selected that option and expected to begin the process of getting things back to where I wanted them but that was not to be the case. The tablet is totally shot, it continuously reboots and reboots and reboots...until the battery dies!

Today, I took the tablet to the Sammy rep at Best Buy (I so hate black friday crowds) hoping for mercy and them issuing a new tablet. Sadly, that didn't happen as I bought it on release day back in June so, they are sending it in for repair. Predicted return in December 15.

I am not finding much on this, is this a known issue?


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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I haven't seen this particular issue reported on this particular device, but phones and tablets having solid state non-volatile memory go bad (or SD cards themselves go bad) isn't uncommon, it's just not something that happens without a lot of use (unless there's something defective).

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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That's frustrating. Major device failures like that are hard to pinpoint. I've certainly seen posts about unrecoverable boot loops on many devices, so I'm not sure if this is particularly specific to the Tab S. My wife's refurbished Tab Pro 8.4 died abruptly about 2 month after purchase, but fortunately it was still within the 90 day limited warranty, and from what I can tell, Samsung replaced the whole motherboard. Works fine now--keep fingers crossed!


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2012
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I've had a SD card go belly up! I lost everything. But, on the flip side the involuntary purge was refreshing.

Posted via the Android Central App


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2011
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It is amazing. I guess I've been lucky all these years. I've not even had a hard drive crash since 1986 and, as a photographer, I have, literally, at least 9 external drives not to mention all the internals on various devices over the years. My very first laptop, purchased back in the early 90's as I recall, was serial number 00032! Dell even called me to apologize as I had ordered a 2 MB (yep) hard drive but they didn't have them ready yet so they had to ship a 4 MB and they were apologizing, lol. I remember wondering just what the heck I was going to do with all that storage.

I do depend on my tablet however, and I won't be seeing it again until around Dec. 15. That hurts!

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