Tasteless picture

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Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
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Not sure if I would call it tasteless or offensive but everyone is allowed their own opinions. I'm sorry the picture bothered you, Android Central would never post anything purposely to offend anyone.


May 15, 2010
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How can that be offensive? That's amazing that you think that.

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Do you have any idea what that picture is from? While the caption "catch(ing) some history in Southeast Asia" is technically correct, it doesn't really quite capture the full context of that place. It's similar to taking a photo inside the gas chamber of a Nazi concentration camp and calling it "catching some history in Western Europe". And I know Nazi analogies are way overused on the Internet, but in this case it's really not an exaggeration.

The skulls in that photo are from the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. How anyone can consider that a "great" picture is beyond me, and the expressions of both the woman and Lloyd in the photo are simply disgusting in this context. I hope for their sake that the AC editors were truly unaware of this when they chose to publish this "great picture".
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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2010
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While I agree it may not be the best place for Lloyd, the picture is not offensive at all. The world sucks, and if pictures like that got around a bit more people would be a little more motivated to help fix it.

The text accompanying it should be a little more somber, but that's my only beef.

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May 15, 2010
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While I agree it may not be the best place for Lloyd, the picture is not offensive at all. The world sucks, and if pictures like that got around a bit more people would be a little more motivated to help fix it.

The text accompanying it should be a little more somber, but that's my only beef.

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If pictures of the destruction wrought by the world's evil got around more, then yes, people might be a little more motivated to help fix it. But it's a hard sell to say that pictures of people making fake sad faces while holding pictures of a cartoon robot giving a big thumbs-up?as part of a cell phone contest?will do much on that front.
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