Hey all! My school recently purchased for me a Google Nexus 10 and have asked that I begin to use it within my classroom. I want to be able to play my power points and edit them. I want to be able to write on the power points using a Stylus. I want to be maneuver through my power points using a wireless remote. All of these I have NOT been able to figure out through using many different apps and even several stylus'. Do you all have any recommendations?!
Use Google Drive on a computer to create your presentations. It's not as robust as Power Point, but it should be able to build you a pretty good presentation. Use the
Google Drive app for Android on your tablet to view them.
There is no way currently to edit presentations from your tablet. Drawing on them while viewing isn't going to work. You could use an app like
Skitch to capture the screen image and annotate it with any stylus if that will help.
In theory, any Bluetooth wireless remote that sets itself up as a Mouse HID should work right out of the box. I've never used one, but I have used several mice and remotes with no issues on my Nexus 10.
I hope this is helpful!