Telephone app is VERY slow.


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Jul 10, 2011
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Recently the phone portion of my device has been very slow. When someone calls I accept it, but it won't turn anything on for about 10 seconds and the screen is frozen. Then it works fine until I end the call and the screen freezes again.

There are also occasional problems with the Srpint VM, and the phone just seems generally slower.

How can I find what apps are taking the memory the phone app needs? I am installing and deleting apps all the time, so I am unsure what may be causing the lag. I am pretty sure I have removed all of the most recent apps that have been installed around the time the problem started.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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How can I find what apps are taking the memory the phone app needs?
Android doesn't work like that. If an app needs more RAM, Android kills the least most recently used app to get more room.

Try clearing the system cache (from Settings in Storage.).


New member
Jul 10, 2011
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Got that done, no problem. Then got a call.... phone portion still lags by about 20 seconds. I hit "End Call", then phone froze.... I hit the home screen button and 20 seconds later it showed up, then slowly animated the weather widget. Now that phone is completely closed, other apps, like texting, email etc all work as they should.