Texting being sent to iMessage is being sent out of order


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2012
I had an iPhone and recently switched over to Android. When I send people on an iPhone a text either through the stock text message app or even Textra and its over a certain number of characters, the receiver will get the message all out of order. So for example, when I send a long text, it will parse it into 3 separate messages and the first part will be sent and then the third and then the second which makes it hard for the recipient to read.

In Textra I tried to convert all my SMS message to MMS but that did not change anything. I would really like to keep the stock message app even though its frustrating because I have my Galaxy Gear S3 and heard that the S3 talks well with the stock messaging app and not Textra,
Unfortunately this is a bad part about SMS. Carriers will split them up and don't always deliver them in order. Do you happen to use Sprint ?
Unfortunately this is a bad part about SMS. Carriers will split them up and don't always deliver them in order. Do you happen to use Sprint ?
No. I'm using Verizon. I see it goes through fine on my wife's phone. But on my co-workers it gets bunched up. With textra I can send it via mms and it sends just fine. So it must be a carrier issue or an issue when it goes from sms to iMessage.
No. I'm using Verizon. I see it goes through fine on my wife's phone. But on my co-workers it gets bunched up. With textra I can send it via mms and it sends just fine. So it must be a carrier issue or an issue when it goes from sms to iMessage.
Well it's not going to iMessage. That is strictly iPhone to iPhone and goes through Apple servers. When an Android person sends a message to an iPhone it goes through regular SMS / the carrier and doesn't bother apple.

Sometimes when the carrier splits them it won't send them in the right order or sometimes the carrier receiving doesn't put it in the right order. Sending as MMS will work since it's basically sending it as one chunk so it doesn't have to be split up.
Is there a way to send it using the stock app? In reality I like Textra better but heard it doesn't work with the S3
Is there a way to send it using the stock app? In reality I like Textra better but heard it doesn't work with the S3
I don't believe so. I haven't used stock in years but I don't think it has a send long SMS as MMS instead like Textra.
I have the opposite happen. My wife has an iphone and I have the S8. She receives text messages from me without any breaks but I get separate text messages out of order. Frustrating!

My wife and her parents all have iPhones. Their messages come in out of order and split up into a ton of tiny messages. I got that when I was with Sprint and now on Verizon. It's the network and something to do with iPhone vs Android.
I have the same issue on both ends. Sometimes my messages to iPhone owners are split, sometimes they go through twice. Same with the reverse. I'm using the stock S8 messenger.
Another good reason why I never use iMessage when I'm using iPhone as my daily driver and only use SMS for the people that insist on using SMS (or iMessage) as their way of communication.

I may be a minority but I simply hate SMS, since the days that I didn't have unlimited messages on my plan and each message was like a quarter or something, I was like, so now I'm forced to pay for Unlimited messages, wtf? Thanks God that basically all plans now include Unlimited messages, but anyways with all the limitations it currently has I really can't see a reason why not to use WhatsApp instead, with over 1.2 billions active users (as of Jan. 2017) chances are that most if not all my contacts already use Whatsapp.
Another good reason why I never use iMessage when I'm using iPhone as my daily driver and only use SMS for the people that insist on using SMS (or iMessage) as their way of communication.

I may be a minority but I simply hate SMS, since the days that I didn't have unlimited messages on my plan and each message was like a quarter or something, I was like, so now I'm forced to pay for Unlimited messages, wtf? Thanks God that basically all plans now include Unlimited messages, but anyways with all the limitations it currently has I really can't see a reason why not to use WhatsApp instead, with over 1.2 billions active users (as of Jan. 2017) chances are that most if not all my contacts already use Whatsapp.

It definitely is a lot of users -- sadly 0 of them are my friends or family so getting them to install the app to use would be a no go.
It definitely is a lot of users -- sadly 0 of them are my friends or family so getting them to install the app to use would be a no go.

I know what you mean but if I made my Mom and In-Laws install and use WhatsApp in a daily basis then it should be a breeze to show your friends all the features WhatsApp includes for free and I'm sure they will make the switch to it also.

I mean when they see that they can post basically unlimited characters messages, share all kind of media, docs, location, contacts, make phone and video calls via data or wifi, etc..., all of that in one single app, they will do it. But hey, you know your people, in my case, the only ones not on WhatsApp were the older ones that are most of the time technological challenged but it took me just a couple of minutes to show them the basics and now I basically have my Mom on permanent Mute so I don't get her chain messages. :)
I know what you mean but if I made my Mom and In-Laws install and use WhatsApp in a daily basis then it should be a breeze to show your friends all the features WhatsApp includes for free and I'm sure they will make the switch to it also.

I mean when they see that they can post basically unlimited characters messages, share all kind of media, docs, location, contacts, make phone and video calls via data or wifi, etc..., all of that in one single app, they will do it. But hey, you know your people, in my case, the only ones not on WhatsApp were the older ones that are most of the time technological challenged but it took me just a couple of minutes to show them the basics and now I basically have my Mom on permanent Mute so I don't get her chain messages. :)
Oh showing them isn't the issue. They just won't want to install another app when they already can just do messaging and also they wouldn't want to pay the yearly fee to use it when they already pay their carrier.
Oh showing them isn't the issue. They just won't want to install another app when they already can just do messaging and also they wouldn't want to pay the yearly fee to use it when they already pay their carrier.

About the yearly fee, well as far as I know, that has never been in place, none of my family members have been charged in about 3 years now since they have been using it, mine is free for life as it was part of the benefits of being post of their beta testing when they began the service the service more than 6 years ago.

I also think I read that after they were bought by Facebook they were getting rid completely of the whole plan of charging for their services.
About the yearly fee, well as far as I know, that has never been in place, none of my family members have been charged in about 3 years now since they have been using it, mine is free for life as it was part of their beta testing when they began the service the service more than 6 years ago.

I also think I read that after they were bought by Facebook they were getting rid completely of the whole plan of charging for their services.
Still leaves me with part 1 of the problem :P.
I have this issue with sending texts to Apple users as well, except that the texts will be broken up even if it's one single text that's under 160 characters. Very annoying. I'm on Sprint.

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