So I saw a blip on my feed somewhere about a mouse subscription from Logitech. At first, I thought it was a joke/meme/satire....
Then, a short while ago...I found out that it's none of those.
I'm tempted to write to Logi and tell them what I think of this, This, in my opinion, is nothing short of asinine.
Ugh...I just can't even come up with any rational thought....just ugh.
Then, a short while ago...I found out that it's none of those.
Logitech's 'forever mouse' could mean peripherals go the way of coffee beans, TVs, and printer ink by pushing a subscription
Could a mouse ever be timeless?
I'm tempted to write to Logi and tell them what I think of this, This, in my opinion, is nothing short of asinine.
Ugh...I just can't even come up with any rational thought....just ugh.