Joshua Luther2

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2014
What's your go to app/apps/launchers for theming your phone? There are so many options.

I personally use the Samsung themes as well as Nova Launcher and Good Lock.

I have used hex installer in the past but I find it more difficult to integrate perfectly with Samsung themes and Nova.

What order do you set your themes. I find it exhausting and frustrating to set a system theme and then having to go into Nova settings to apply my icons of choice.

Can I use hex installer successfully without any headaches? Maybe I need to search yt for some hex tutorials.

Sometimes I find myself going back to the stock Samsung launcher just so it's easier to apply the themes. Also Good Lock settings get overridden when you apply a new theme which is frustrating.


Apr 4, 2021
There are few more theme launchers you may find compatible with Samsung phones. Nova is undoubtedly one of the bests. There are also Niagara launcher, smart launcher 5, AIO launcher. You can also give those a try.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2011
I stopped going with themes after I figured out that you can't have a theme and dark mode together. When I had HTC they were awesome with themes and personalization. With Samsung everything seems to cost. Some may say yeah but it's only a buck or two but a buck or two for something I may use for a month or week or day really starts to add up. Searching their selections for free stuff sucks too. And of course it never fails, there's this one that I don't hate, because I hate most of them or they just don't fit who I am, and it is the one that's a buck. LOL.

I think anyone who's interested at all in making their phone look and sound how they want has tried Zedge. To me, there hasn't been anything to come along to really fill its place for my devices. I've tried others and they are terrible for one reason or another, ads, interface, selection, all of those, all of those and then some more...

Lately I've just been pulling things I want from Samsung Theme Store, or whatever it's called. A wallpaper here, some icons there and little font mixed in. I haven't tried any of those mentioned but I don't necessarily want a launcher. I did consider one when I got my first Sammy because I hated paging left and right to find apps in the app drawer. Then, almost as if to rub salt in the wound, they let you scroll to add apps to folders and the side panel? What the (bad word) kinda stuff is that? That's the only reason I would switch launchers and it hasn't been enough to make we switch yet and maybe I just don't know enough about them.

Kizzy Catwoman

Feb 2, 2017
I have been using Nova and Kwgt yo theme my phones. I am kinda addicted to kwgt but have finally found a setup on each phone that I like a lot. And on my Samsung I use Keys Cafe to theme my keyboard as well.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2012
I use hex installer with an AOSP plugin (I really can't stand the 2003 style signal indicators Samsung still use) with force dark mode enabled in developer options and Nova and a few good lock tweaks.

Hex isn't that complicated once you get the hang of it, but nothing that sophisticated will ever work totally headache free.

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