- Sep 21, 2009
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Please see the last post for details as to why this great thread has now been closed
This post will be updated daily with Bennnnn's announcements and answers to questions inside of this thread. To skip to post #2 click here.
I went to work today (Financial Analyst for Corp. Verizon) and got some interesting news some of you all may be interested in, just be sure to read it CAREFULLY.
Today i got to Hold and play with a thunderbolt. Unbelievable. this thing is Really really fast. my Supervisor gave me a specific Date And told us the to start preparation for launch which includes lining up future projection sheets and sales Yield analysis for upper management. Much of what needs to be done is scheduled very very shortly before All launches. it's coming. this information is Relevant to all Customers waiting the thunderbolts' Hard launch date. though i am not allowed to Tell you Exactly when it's launching due to my job security, Need not worry, the thunderbolt is sure to capitalize its sales now that its perfected.
This is straight out of Basking Ridge, NJ.
Very well written, gotta give you credit there. What I can't figure out though is if that is the case and we are LESS than two weeks away, why hasn't Verizon said a peep? Not a single work, release date, nothing!! It just don't make sense!! They have spend way to much money on PR for this phone to just slide it out the back door with no exposure. I'll believe it when someone on here posts themselves opening the box.
There has been no release date due to the fact that issues have arisen and there was no ETA as to when those issues could be successfully fixed and the device would be 100% ready for launch.
Interesting that you guys are just seeing this now. Is this the normal lead time? I think you kind of alluded to that in your message.. but with previous phone releases (such as the iPhone 4 being the recent example) has the notification to your group come in a similar fashion?
Yes, this is a familiar routine with phones we've released in the past except the iPhone 4 which was expedited.
Once we start compiling sales progress reports to start tracking initial sales, its about to go on sale.
Do you really think Verizon is monitoring this board? Dude, give me a break. They are a major corporation and I am sure they don't spend their day browsing android forums looking for spy's who use proxy's and codding!! You said you covered your tracks, so why are you deleting posts? Makes no sense man!!
Surprisingly Verizon actually does read these forums. The Customer Development team is in charge of research for their android devices and guess where the best source of information on opinions of their products? Android forums. The big ones such as AC, Phandroid, Droid-Life, etc. Listening to what the customers and saying and improving their devices.
How can it improve their devices when we have never even used one? Plus wouldn't that be more of a HTC thing or Motorola? Verizon simply sells the phone, they don't manufacture it or anything of that nature. I don't know, I know that we are in the same business as you, you sell phones, we sell gps's and we don't monitor message boards for feedback, we get that through polls, sells figures and customer calls and emails. Those are legitimate ways of doing what you are saying.
They browse everything for consumer satisfaction and input with the devices and the carrier.
EDIT: You're comparing releases of phones to GPS units too. They are very different.
In those financial forecasts you're working on, can you take a look at the revenue side for ThunderBolt and see what number is there for 4G data plans? Would it be $30 or $45? Just wondering.
I'll be adding a new line for my ThunderBolt. If the data price is going up at launch, I'd be willing to go ahead and add the line now using an old dumb phone and adding a smartphone data plan with hope that it would be grandfathered in. But if it's not necessary, I'd rather not go through the hassle.
They haven't officially told anyone the exact amount yet (We have multiple forecasts) but I'm certain is $30/Unlimited for now.
Please enlighten me. If you are familiar with my posts you will realize in no time that I am not the brightest out here.
So, what does Verizon have to gain by keeping the launch date a closely guarded secret?
They don't want to post a date then redact it due to issues and disappoint everyone. You can't be mad at Verizon for missing a "release date" they never announced.
Nothing new today. Everything's on schedule.
the guy @ AndroidForums said "Be prepared for the launch to be next week .. not this week. Also, there will possibly be a surprise spec (or two). "
I can attest to this. There is something special being added into this phone but as of now up in the clouds

I really hope you are right. Cause you are not leaving any room for error. And in this forum, you'll get burned at the stake for posting anything but cold hard fact without a very good track record. But it is appreciated if everything comes true!
Don't worry. Come a few days I suspect everyones going to be very excited!
Also, prices will remain firm for now.
I hate to get in to specifics but should I cancel my BestBuy preorder? I would like to get it from VZW but want to make sure I get one. Does it look like quantities are good or a preorder in sight??![]()
There are going to be PLENTY in stock. There is really no need to pre-order unless you live in an extremely populated area of which it will be in high demand.
I want to know what "Ben" has to say about this new tiered data that's been announced. I'm not currently on a smart phone and the thunderbolt was to be my first android based phone but if I can't get into a data plan (unlimited or tiered) at the current 29.99 I'm going to be really disappointed.
We've spent the last few months working, tracking, and improving on a LOT of different Price Tier Variation models for the upcoming data switch. I know a lot of you will complain about it, but the majority of our customers use amounts under our designated data cap and, while it may stir controversy in the tech world, the "normal data user" is going to benefit by saving money each month as they are not going to reach the cap, thus allowing them to sign up for a cheaper plan.
I wouldn't worry since the Thunderbolt is going to require unlimited and therefore we will all be grandfathered into the same fee, once tiered data is implemented this summer.
Hey Bennnnn, is it dual core? if it's not, just say no.![]()
No, unfortunately not. But let me just say, wow... this thing is FAST.
My director is in a meeting with some higher ups right now and I asked him to find out what's happening announcement-wise, so I'll be sure to update you guys when he lets me know.
My director just left his meeting and has a little info on the subject.
Apparently, as we speak, they are building stock of Thunderbolts in warehouses across the country, and until Verizon is given the green light where they feel they have enough supply to meet the demand of the customers, THEN they will announce this device and give us a concrete launch date. We are also trying to push our last Droids ($100 discount) into consumers hands before the launch of this revolutionary device. I was told we are VERY close to being 100% ready for launch, and it seems that all that is truly left to do is finish up stockpiling devices and then the announce the HTC Thunderbolt! We should hear something ANY day now, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we heard something tomorrow since there was a scheduled announcement today which they missed. Anyways, we are very close guys. The Thunderbolt is coming, and it's lightning fast 4G LTE speeds are going to be in your hands VERY soon. Rule the air.
Well then... here's to hoping we really do get some Onlive and Netflix love with the TBolt launch.
Soon after the launch.
Question 1: Where are these "warehouses"? Question 2: Is security pretty good?....like guard dogs and dudes with guns? Not asking for any particular reason or anything.....just a little chit chat...
I am not in-charge of shipping and stock. If I knew where the warehouses were I would have organized a plan to steal the Thunderbolts for all AC users! Muahahahaha.
Bennnn, think we are still on track for a 10th release? Or will the delayed announcement delay the release as well?
He didn't say anything relating to a delayed release so I assume its the same.
In recent news, we have a new ad for the Thunderbolt! Looks beautiful. HTC - Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Cell Phones, PDAs
Okay guys, I'm headed back home, so I'll be on later tonight to answer questions after dinner.
Hope you all are as excited as I am for this phone! I just can't get over how fast it is. Dual core? Pfftt. The Qualcomm MSM8655 + 4G LTE network is where its at!
Question... if the release date is supposedly 3/10, then why does VZW need seven days to stockpile the Thunderbolts? Why not announce the release date WHILE stockpiling. It doesn't make much sense to me![]()
Last question answered: We have the initial Thunderbolts ready to go. It's just the predicted future sales which are being accounted for.
Thanks guys, talk to you all later.
At work. Nothing new to report as of now. I'll let you guys know if anything comes up!
It would be interesting if you could confirm whether T-Bolts were shipped starting at 9AM this morning to VZW stores as claimed by Sentrix27's source.
Thunderbolts have NOT started shipping yet according to the system. I'll keep checking back to see if it gets updated.
I get my information from my Financial Director who, in turn, gets it from Executive Board. I also have access to the system.
Sorry guys, no updates today unless you're interested in the Blackberry Storm 3... which doesn't even compare to the Thunderbolt.
The 10th is on schedule as far as I have been told. No clue as to what is happening with this announcement, but I expect it any day now since everything is ready for launch and was planned for two days ago. I'll try to dig up some info over the weekend regarding the announcement and why they are holding off again.
This device WILL be getting HTCsense.com shortly after launch. It is coming. No Thunderbolts have shipped yet.
Okay guys, so I was pulled into a conference call earlier this morning regarding the Thunderbolt and other unmentioned phones and I have good news some and bad news.
Good news is in relation to the 4G LTE data plans. If you are currently signed up, or will sign up for 4G LTE data plans in the near future, you WILL be grandfathered in once tiered prices hit this summer and you will NOT have to pay more than the $30 per month for unlimited. So sign up early and lock that unlimited data in.
Now, onto more disturbing topics...
Bad news is that the Thunderbolt will not meet its previously scheduled launch date of March 10th [AGAIN] and is now moving to its consequent launch date of the 17th, hence the postponement of shipped devices from the system and withheld announcements. This makes sense as to why the announcement was missed earlier this week.
Now, I acknowledge the fact that some of us have been waiting for this device since November 23rd, myself included, but we have to realize that in less than two weeks, this device will be in our hands.
Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am only relaying the information I was told this morning. Regardless of how much time we have left until launch, I'm sure we can all agree that we have a beautiful, and lightning fast device to look forward to within the next two weeks.
Verizon had been planning on launching this device Feb. 14th and then March 10th, but as with all devices, there's always a secondary planned launch date (or a third planned launch date for the Thunderbolt), to account for any unexpected delays which may or may not come up. Being the third time this has device has been officially and internally postponed I believe we are looking at a definite March 17th launch.
SO if the initial date was March 17th, they tried to do it earlier and couldn't do it then there really is no delay.
Technically yes, which is why there was no announcement.
a few questions bennn:
1. when will we see an announcement?
2. when you say "will sign up for 4g data plans in the near future" and "go and lock in the unlimited data" do you mean when we buy the device, start with the unlimited data plan?
1. I wasn't given a date as to when the announcement is. This phone is becoming a bit ridiculous with all the inconsistencies it is facing so I could either be a week before or a day before. As always, I will keep you all updated on my hearings.
2. Yep, If you buy the Thunderbolt launch day, you will be locked into unlimited!
Sorry guys I've been pretty busy with family stuff this weekend, but I'll try to be on later tonight to answer questions.
Just to clarify for all those who are confused, I'll try to explain this situation to the best of my knowledge:
Well before CES was even hosted, Verizon had an official hard launch date of March 17th for the HTC Thunderbolt. As more phones were being announced and pushed onto the market that rivaled the Thunderbolt, Verizon scheduled an early push for this phone, February 14th. Due to arising problems with battery life on 4G LTE services, this initial early push date was missed and rescheduled for a later date, March 10th. Today we were informed that this phone was not completely ready for a launch date as early as March 10th, and cancelled all early launch plans, reverting back to the initial date of March 17th.
EDIT: Delay has nothing to do with the iPad. They are two separate device categories.
So does that mean that the battery life issues have been addressed and we can expect better battery life?
The battery life issue has been addressed.
No updates as of today, but I'm sure there will be some fresh new info come Monday.
Cool. And thanks for clarifying again of many. Looking fwd to mondays news!
Any info about skype?
Skype will be on this phone eventually. This isn't my department but it will either be one of two things. 1. Present on the phone at launch, or 2. Be included as an instantaneous OTA update when activating your Thunderbolt in the Verizon store. Skype has been ready since the 28th so it is sure to make its way to this phone. I'll be sure to look into it more tomorrow for you.
So Bennnnn.. stupid question maybe but you mentioned that there would be a grandfather period for unlimited data before they go to the tiered packages in the summer... assuming late april/early may for the Bionic, should I wait as I had intended or should I grab a bolt to lock it in?
Either one will be find as far as unlimited plans go. So far we have the Bonic scheduled towards the end of April, but I would hate to see it get pushed. Tiered plans will begin to show up towards the end of July. You have a 2-month buffer so the choice is yours!
Hey Bennnnn, thanks, can you let us know if the $30 unlimited data plan will still be available at release?
Yes, It will be.
Here is the 2/2/2011 tweet:
That tweet was made was when we thought we could complete an early push of the device.
Thanks Bennnnnn,
You wouldn't happen to know the day that they are scheduling announcing the release date (if any)? This would be the most help of all!
I haven't heard anything yet because we are not focusing on the Thunderbolt this week. Could be this week, but most likely next.
I got to play with a Thunderbolt for a couple minutes at work today. Let me tell you, this thing is as beautiful as it is fast.
Anyone seen this? This VZW executive talks bout 4G LTE phones coming before end of 2nd quarter 2011. WTF??
Now THIS is interesting....
EDIT: To my knowledge Thunderbolts are ready to go. This seems fishy to me. I was told the 17th recently, and BMX has also confirmed it.
I just texted my Director about the statement. I'll let you guys know what he says about it, but in the mean time I need to get back to work.
So who's excited for Google Music??
Well folks, I never got a reply back from my Director about Malones comments concerning a later release today. You can take that as good news or bad news for now, but either way, I will make it my mission to find out what the heck is happening with this device and its launch, tomorrow.
this would be a great time for Bennnnnn to come on and give us some updates...
I will share information I have with you when I can, but for now I must wait.
_________________________________________________________________Agreed. The only reason they aren't fixing this mess with a release date is because there are MAJOR issues. That's all I can conclude. I'm sure they'd love to announce and sell this phone. But they can't.
No, there are no major issues.
Once I've been given the green light, I'll be sure to share all the information with you guys first. Until then, I'm here to answer questions and give my input.
No major issues with the handset? No major issues with LTE?
Both. Yes, there are no major issues with the phone or network.
This has nothing to do with Mr. Jobs telling Verizon what to do.
We are concentrating on something else for the time being. This phone is coming. There is no need to worry.
Still on for the 17th? A one word "Yes" or "No" would ease everyone's worries.![]()
As I said earlier, I'll fill you guys in, the minute I get the go ahead. There is no need to worry or get annoyed by this. You will have this iconic device in your hands in no time.
Since it is now pretty obvious that Verizon knows you are here, I hope you report back and tell them that they are not pleasing their consumers. This lack of communication is not acceptable, and they will not be the top carrier for long if this continues into their other business practices. End rant.
Information will be available soon. I understand your frustration, but for now we must play the waiting game. Hold in there. We're not too far off.
Thanks but what "preparation". Is it the ad campaign? Or logisitics it getting units to stores? What needs to be "worked out"? I really appreciate what you're doing but I just feel so, not even frustrated, but more disprespected because I simply need a new phone and I just want to know when I can get what I want. I don't want to have to settle. I mean I would even be happy to know that this deafening silence is part of the ad campaign which is all about lightning striking. Can you confirm at least that much?
It's always quiet before the storm.
Well, this is great news! Obviously the release date is what Bennnnn cannot share, since he has not answered that question after being asked repeatedly. That's fine, we can live with that. I'm guessing it was pushed even farther back. Since you can talk about everything except that, Bennnnn, tells us all you know about Netflix, GM, Onlive, 2.3 (or 2.4), LTE pricing, device pricing, forecasted sales, Apple's impact on VZW's device roadmap, and what the delays were when it was initially moved up to Feb 14th.![]()
Netflix and Google Music (with GB) will be coming to the device after launch. Onlive will follow. Battery issues on 4G LTE were causes of the delays, but since then, it has been fixed.
1. Concerning the release date... You guys are getting worked up over nothing. As I told you earlier, please do not to worry about it. Your device will be out as soon as you expect. Nothing has changed FOR NOW, so please refer to my comment yesterday if you have questions.
2. I am not being hired by Verizon to post here. What's better than hanging out with you guys? Getting paid for it. I wish I could say that, but I merely work in the financial services industry. PR is not my job, nor is it to give out official announcements, which leads me to my next point.
3. I am choosing not to release a piece of information concerning Verizons 4G LTE network until it is all said and done, meaning, I will give you guys all the information when the decision is made its finalized and concrete. I don't want you guys going berserk over what I tell you and then find out later policies have changed.
Just like you all, I too am waiting anxiously for the release of this device. I am not magic. I cannot push the release date sooner or give you information which I do not know. I have given you all what I know as far as what I have been told, so please... don't bite the hand that feeds you.
I too, am waiting to see how this all plays out. Launching this device has become absolutely ridiculous and nightmare for my department and many others.
i must be behind..can anybody reiterate what he said yesterday? ..too many posts to go digging
For now, count on the 17th. We have many many people working their ass off to make this happen.
Bennnnnn blink once if i'm right, twice if i'm wrong...... We might be looking at a launch like the Motorola Xoom, 3g for now with LTE to come????? Possibly because LTE is not working properly in all area's, most are perfect, some have trouble. This is basically what Black_Man_X has been tweeting about. He says their working on it though.......
It's not my department, but I can confirm that this was brought up as a suggestion if we can't get it out by the 17th. It's probably not going to happen since this is the "first 4G LTE device" and it would look bad launching an iconic 4G device that's restricted to 3G for the first month. People are working hard for you guys to get this out on time!
The question is though, will there be an announcement at all or a quiet launch?
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used the word "guarantee" as there is no such thing as a 100% concrete launch date with this phone. Our goal is the 17th and we're most definitely pushing for it.
any guesses on the announcement date?
I haven't been given that information.
You have peculiar work hours for a financial person, sir.
I run a partnership on the side of my job. iPad 2 paperwork is also piling up

Interesting, the banner ad at the top of this page (at least it is there now as I type). From HTC saying that you can use your Thunderbolt to enjoy MLB spring training and NCAA March Madness. Looks like HTC believes the bolt will be out in March.
Yep. Use your HTC Thunderbolt to watch UNC win on the go. Seriously though. You'll be able to watch it.
In all seriousness, no updates as of now. Haven't heard anything different than the 17th so seems to be on track. Lets cross our fingers and hope it stays this way.
Bennnnn, Yesterday you said your mission was to get a response from your director about the statement from Tony Malone. Any news?
I did, and I'm waiting to see how it plays out before I post it here. I don't want to give you guys information and then all of a sudden policies change, because it is very up in the air as of now. Once it is definite, I'll let you guys know.
I might have to travel to see just how fast it is. maybe a trip next weekend. What do you think Bennnnn? Should I pack my bags for next weekend so I can see how fast that TB is in LTE area?
Oh yeah. The new 4G LTE network is blazing fast. Definitely worth a trip.
Bennnnn -- If the Thunderbolt is delayed past the 17th, is there a cascade effect on the other devices? One would assume that HTC was/is counting on some space between the TB and the Samsung, LG, and Motorola offerings. Or... is it more likely that VZW will just release more devices in a rapid fire fashion?
There's always going to be some space between launches, so really, it depends on how delayed it gets.
Bennnnn, I appreciate the insights. With several recent articles and interviews, a lot of folks in the forums are saying that the delays are about the LTE network and tiered pricing of the data plans. When you talk about the "policies chang(ing)", is that some policy related to the pricing of LTE? Hopefully that's generic enough that you can respond without spelling out if the TB will get unlimited 4G or if it will roll out with the tiered 4G plans.
Yes, when I refer to policy changes I do in fact mean 4G LTE pricing.
Hey, Bennnnn, this showed up in my twitter feed this morning, any truth to it?
SFECorvette Janette Quiroz
@droid_life good friend at Verizon says launch party the 15th in OKC so 17th launch date is highly likely for HTC Thunderbolt
Looks good to me.
I haven't been told an explicit announcement date yet, but if this phone is completely ready by next week, I would guess we would hear something on the 15th too, though that is just my opinion.
When will we have a feel for the technical issues being resolved? And BMX tweeted it as a region by region problem... correct?
Correct. I'm sure BMX can give a definite ETA for a resolution. He's the one fixing it after all!
I'm not going to comment on pricing till I know for sure. I don't want you guys getting upset over something that could very well change before launch. I never said tiered pricing was definite. There are many options being considered.
I don't understand how a company could get to the point of publicly announcing and marketing a new network, and then producing and shipping a new phone to accompany it -- yet -- pricing options are still "being considered." I don't work in this space and if I'm missing something obivious, apologies to our VZ insider. Please enlighten me. Thanks.
Hence the lack of the announcement. No information right now. But thats a good thing.
Interesting. Hopefully they flip the switch in Raleigh and Wilmington, NC soon.
Yes, should be covering NC by the end of this year if I recall.
Is there a place to look at for the future coverage plans? I see a lot of references of "coverage by end of 2011" and similar. Were the LTE roll-out plans posted somewhere?
Here you go.
Dear obese baby buddha please let us have the HTC Thunderbolt on the 17th.....
Verizon’s Thunderbolt Showcase App Hits Market, Demo SIM Cards Activated Too - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
Your wish is granted.
So Bennnn, are you ACTUALLY saying the 17th is a go?
If stores were truly asked to submit SIM ID's for activation today, then thats a very good sign we'll be seeing this device next Thursday.
Will you be able to confirm that "IF" when u go to work tomorrow, Bennnn?
Yeah, I plan to ask about it.
Now lets not get too excited. Yes it's a very good sign that SIM cards are being readied for their soon-to-be activation, but it's not a definite sign. I'll find out more tomorrow!
I see on the BB website that they have much more Thunderbolt info tonight. Specifically I see more of the "National Retail Exclusive" touting. What is the deal with that? Thanks!
No clue. I don't work at Best buy! Maybe Jayishere could tell you.
Sorry, I've been SUPER busy today dealing with the iPad 2 and its workings. It's pretty sleek, but I definitely prefer the Xoom. Haven't had much time to get on here today let alone even eat lunch so I will try and answer questions tonight if I have spare time; if not then tomorrow. I see I have quite a bit of catching up to do... Don't have any updates regarding the Thunderbolt as of now because I haven't even left my desk today. Regarding the 21st which I saw on BGR: I haven't heard that date mentioned, and it's still looking like the 17th, but as well all know, things tend to change and it could be a possibility (I hope not), so I'll look into that for you guys. Take it with a grain of salt for now.
Have a good day and I will (hopefully) be back with you guys tonight!
Sorry, another busy day. March 17th still on track.
OK….so I talked to one of the Verizon people that I have been in contact with. This is a sales guy who works for an Authorized dealer. I have written about him before. I stopped in this afternoon to check in, to see if had heard anything. He told me they WILL NOT BE GETTING THE BOLT THIS WEEK and he is very sure of this. I was like “how do you know”…and he said that they just know and in addition to no word on the Bolt the store has been updated on the calendar/timetable for the phones that are upcoming and he led me in the direction that Verizon is now pitching other new phones to be sold (of the 3G variety). I asked him if he had any idea or if he had heard any news about when it was coming but he said no, they have nothing in terms of information…only that he was very sure it won’t be next week, and although he has NO idea when it will drop it could be “months”. Once again this is a guy who is very rejected and pretty upset about it. Another connection to this that is interesting to me is that the last time I was in I was showing off my Storm 1, and he was showing me his old beat up blackberry. Today he showed me his new phone…it is a Samsung. He is a good guy….and if he is reading this I would say “thanks for being honest! I feel for you dude”! So, I have been of the mind that the 17th is THE day. I have a pretty detailed plan on if the bolt is going to be the phone for me and the connection to my June contract date….This is the first chink in my plan! I am not freaking out…yet, but this piece of info seems difficult for me to ignore completely.
SIM cards for demo units wouldn't be activated "months" before. It doesn't make sense even if its not the 17th. But regardless, did you see the tweet from the HTC Regional Manager? Matches up to what I've been told.
Like I said 17th is good to go for now. To my knowledge it has (finally) passed through Verizons testing phase and all issues should be worked out by now so now ball's in HTC's court for the finalization for future updates and what not. Probably why there was the tweet yesterday. Can't really get more official than that.
any device pricing info?
Hate to say it, but from the looks of things tiered MIGHT stick.
Is it going to launch with Skype ?
It should get Skype later on.
Is would not hold up the final release, would it bennnnn?
I wouldn't think so. Should be pretty fast.
I'm not going to answer questions on tiered pricing because I'm not 100% certain of which ones will be used. We've created price models from unlimited 4G to heavily tiered, so before we all start speculating, it's best to just wait till you hear from Verizon directly. Ultimately its the CFO's decision.
Fair enough. Thanks. I'm going to lean towards the Unlimited to fairly tiered... I don't think they're going to slap us with $50 for 3GB, thus not only turning us away, but turning those anticipating the Bionic or Revolution away to other carriers also.
Oh yes, prices would be must less significant than 4G LTE broadband cards.
So Ben are you more certain of the 17th now then before, I mean I would think an announcement would have to come in 2 or 3 days, seems kind of pushing it.
I am a bit more certain due to three reasons:
1) I was told the 17th a a week ago.
2) The HTC Regional Rep tweeted the 17th yesterday.
3) It's up to HTC now to finalize everything so it's their call whether it makes it or not.
Everything is just starting to match up and become clearer IMO.
11:38PM PST
17th is still looking good guys. We're sure to hear an announcement very soon![]()
Hey guys. I'll be pretty busy today working on allocating Japan relief funds, so I won't be able to answer many questions until tonight. I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a lot of excitement in the office this morning over the HTC Thunderbolt and you all should be hearing something any day now. By the looks of things, we'll have all the power of Verizon's 4G LTE blazing fast network as well as our beloved Thunderbolt in our hands by Thursday. Now, we play the waiting game.
So where is Verizon's announcement. It's not like Best buy hasn't been wrong before.![]()
Very true. I am not in charge of the announcements but here's to hoping there will be one soon!
Well, looks like we'll be getting an unlimited plan after all.
Bennnnn you got your info from me right?? Look back 4 posts or wtv is 5 maybe
Hah, stores wouldn't know the data plans until shipments of printed tags for under the phones came in or she was in contact with someone on executive board. Doesn't matter though, she's right.
EDIT: Yeah the HTC inventory screenshot also shows us.
Bennnnn do you think they'll have plenty in stock? I heard one store is only getting in 8. Thanks I <3 you!
Yeah, there were plenty ordered from HTC.