I read somewhere that Verizon has control over whether or when the Intuition will get Jelly Bean. They get to release the update. Since the Optimus Vu is getting it, it makes sense that LG is making it available to us, too. We just have to wait on Verizon. That may take a while.
It isn't the same as Google Now or Siri by any stretch of the imagination, but Assistant by Speaktoit is a fun alternative until we have Jelly Bean. The Assistant is like having a little digital person on your phone. She does get confused from time-to-time, but she can be helpful and amusing. If you want something more practical and less cheesy, the Maluuba: Siri Alternative is pretty good. Maluuba has a gorgeous interface, but it doesn't have the ability to speak to you vocally.
I adore this phone. I think it has more fans than people realize. I see people Tweeting about it from time to time. I initially thought about getting the Galaxy S3 just so I could have Jelly Bean. In the end, I couldn't resist the quirkiness of the Intuition. Good luck with your decision!