Thought the assistant was supposed to remind me to buy beer


Well-known member
May 30, 2011
I asked it to yesterday when I was at the store today. Fail. Was just a test to see how she did and don't think I'll be using this feature in future if it's not reliable.
I asked it to yesterday when I was at the store today. Fail. Was just a test to see how she did and don't think I'll be using this feature in future if it's not reliable.
That's strange. Did it save the reminder when you told it to?
is your location on high accuracy and always on? did you list a specific store or just simply say store?

mine is very reliable, but you have to make sure you give it the info it needs to be that way.
Saved, high accuracy, Walmart. My GPS has always been spot on and it always tells me what store I'm at when I'm there. But not a peep out of the assistant. Maybe a fluke, I'll try again later. But so far she gets an F for reminding.
No beer reminder on Friday somebody is getting fired

Yeah fired for sure. I don't ever need the assistant to remind me to get the beer LOL.
Disappointed tho as I followed all the steps, shoulda worked. I dunno. More testing for sure before I will rely on this feature.
I'll have to test it out. Usually I'll tell it which store. Did you tell it Walmart or just say store?
I asked it to yesterday when I was at the store today. Fail. Was just a test to see how she did and don't think I'll be using this feature in future if it's not reliable.

How are you setting the reminder?
I said Walmart because that's where I was going to be going the following day. It always tells me when I'm at Walmart or just about any other place I shop. It never audibly said anything or had any screen pop up as a reminder.
I said "hey Google" , " remind me to buy beer at Walmart" it basically said "ok" and then "shall I save that"? I say "yes" and it says "saved". So I dunno, sounded like it would work. It was testing that feature as I wasn't planning on forgetting the beer. ;)
I said Walmart because that's where I was going to be going the following day. It always tells me when I'm at Walmart or just about any other place I shop. It never audibly said anything or had any screen pop up as a reminder.
I said "hey Google" , " remind me to buy beer at Walmart" it basically said "ok" and then "shall I save that"? I say "yes" and it says "saved". So I dunno, sounded like it would work. It was testing that feature as I wasn't planning on forgetting the beer. ;)

That's what I thought. I haven't actually use the reminders but I'm trying a couple out now and I'll let you know.
So far I've been successful with all three calendar ,events and alarms

I let Google take over this time
Bumping thread. I tried another reminder for a different store and it failed to do anything. I have GPS, Bluetooth both enabled. I ask the assistant to remind be to buy "x" when I'm at a certain store I mention which one. I ask to save it and it says ok. Still a fail. Does every one else's work? Maybe I'm still doing something wrong. This sounds like an extremely handy feature and I wish it just worked.
Because of your thread, I asked Google Assistant to send me a reminder to text my husband when I got to work. I set my work as a remembered place in Google maps, and it worked.
I have two jobs though so I don't know if it'll do it if I say the name of the place I work, rather than just "work."
Pretty cool feature!

I'll test it at the store tomorrow the way you did.
Hmm, I don't have any places listed as trusted except home, but I always get a pop up telling me I'm at a certain store or place. But nothing telling me to remember to do the previous set reminder.
update: ok went to the same store to get the item I forget because the assistant failed the previous day and it reminds me to get the item I had asked for before. So I guess it works. But, it maybe gets a d- minus from me. I'm not going to be relying on it.
Curious how it's working for others.
I asked my assistant to remind me to buy bread next time I'm at Stop n Shop, and she did. One thing I noticed is that during the process a dialog popped up showing choices, one was either time or place, and the other was all locations or not. While the dialog was visible she asked me if I wanted to save the reminder. When I said yes the dialog disappeared. Did you get this dialog?
I'm going to try this shortly for a 3:30 dentist appointment ,I asked Google to set a reminder she said time or place, I quoted the address we'll see what happens.
I asked my assistant to remind me to buy bread next time I'm at Stop n Shop, and she did. One thing I noticed is that during the process a dialog popped up showing choices, one was either time or place, and the other was all locations or not. While the dialog was visible she asked me if I wanted to save the reminder. When I said yes the dialog disappeared. Did you get this dialog?
I got it but it only had either time or place. Place was checked as default, so no further action on my part. Also, place to me sounds the more logical so I see why it is default. Didn't notice any location option. I had already named the location in the reminder request.
Well my reminder for location failed I'm inside of the business nothing
Spoke to soon just showed up ..

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