Time to Replace My Moto X PE


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Aug 26, 2018
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I've got a Moto X Pure 2015 that has been submerged in water a few times causing it to act a little funny. Since it has become somewhat unreliable, I'm in the market for a new phone, but am unsure what to get.

My Moto X has been a pretty good phone and has met most of my needs. I recently bought an LG V20, and while I liked that phone, the reception was lack luster causing me to go back to my X after a few weeks.

My first and foremost requirement is that my next phone has to have excellent reception. I live in a very rural area and I need a phone that can stay locked into 4G at low signal levels; the LG failed here. I also use voice quite a bit, so it needs to work well in that regard too.

After the reception requirement, my needs are more like wants and are not deal breakers by any means.
I would like an equivalent size phone to my X or the V20, battery life that can at least go a full day without charging with moderate use, SD card slot, and a decent camera.

I don't need the latest and greatest, just something that works well and is not buggy. I'm not opposed to buying used. Being able to get it for under $400 would be great, but my budget is a max of $600.

I'm on Verizon, and I can't change carriers.

I have an Iphone 7 Plus for work and it ticks off a lot of my boxes. While I'm not a Apple fan by any means, this phone just seems to work and usually works quite well. I'd rather stick with an Android if possible, though.

My friend has a Galaxy S8, and while he really likes it, it'll show no reception where I can make and receive phone calls on my Moto X; so the S8 is not an option unless he has a bad one.

Any suggestions?


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Aug 26, 2018
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If you liked the signal strength and reliability of the X PE you might take a look at the G6.

Thanks! It looks very interesting and quite similar to my Moto X.. I'm going to have to do some research on this one.

Any other suggestions?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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The similarity to my old X PE, and the reviews of the G6 are why i bought one to replace a phone that will go unnamed @ this time. Motorola phones are just so reliable its hard to be happy with something else without spending twice as much money IMO...YMMV though..


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Aug 26, 2018
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The similarity to my old X PE, and the reviews of the G6 are why i bought one to replace a phone that will go unnamed @ this time. Motorola phones are just so reliable its hard to be happy with something else without spending twice as much money IMO...YMMV though..

How is the reception and overall feel of the phone compared to your old X PE? I've seen mixed reviews both positive and negative, especially in regards to the reception.

After the all the broken promises from Motorola with the X PE, I said I would never buy another Moto product, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much out there that can compare especially when it comes to the radios in their phones.

I might just bite the bullet and get one from Walmart or some other retailer that allows easy returns if I end up not liking the phone or it doesn't live up to expectations. I had really high hopes for my LG V20, but in the end the lackluster reception is what killed it for me.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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As someone mentioned, the shape of the g6 reminded um of the nexus 5x and i agree but with a larger screen. I think the reception is on par with most of the moto x phones ive had in always being reliable.

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