top 5 strategy games


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Dec 18, 2014
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top 5? hmm.. no.1 is FINAL FANTASY!, then world at arms, crusaders quest, plants vs zombie and legion of heroes :)

Playing Clash of demigods and coc on my phone it’s kind of boring but the graphics for demigods are quite crisp in terms of 3D matters but like what I've said It's kind of boring already..

Crusaders Quest?? I thought this game is already old and crappy due to its graphics lol!!!!. But when some reviews and links keep popping up on my monitor, I guess it’s kind of hyped. Frankly speaking I'm really curious on this game why it is so much popular although it’s only an 8-Bit graphics lol!!!

Bob Artelle

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Jan 18, 2015
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Age of Strategy, you can't go wrong with this free game. They are always updating it and adding new things. Plus you can earn upgrades free or buy them. Not a pay to win.

Keith Burgun

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Jan 19, 2015
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Have any of you guys tried Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure? I can't post links because I just joined, but it's a tactics/strategy game I've been working on for 4 years (and counting).