@mustang7757 and various others had theirs approved for trade in in ONE DAY!
wonder why my absolutely "like new" pristine S24 Ultra has still not yet gotten "approved"? strange.
It's pure luck. Samsung has no rhyme or reason how they do things. They do the same when shipping pre-orders. I've seen where some ordered a week after others ordered day one and some that ordered later got their phone first.
It's also does not matter what phone or the condition of how fast the process is. I promise you my phone was in better shape then yours, mine was only 2 months old hardly used, and I'm also still waiting.
If you don't get your approval email then on day 22 I would contact them. Even though it's day 22, all that will happen when you contact them is they will open a ticket and tell you they will email you the results, so don't expect them to instantly approve it, if they do say thank you and be happy. I usually don't even count the day you receive the email saying they received your trade in, so I'm actually calling day 23.
If you got the we received your phone email you are good, you won't be getting charged. One fmm time it was 3 1/2 months after the we received your phone email before they finally sent me a email saying they manually approved it, and that was after i created a ticket with them....I assume they lost the phone in their approval process. So until you get the email saying they are going to charge you, just relax. It's not easy I get that, but it's the process... Some have good luck,I have before, and some take a while to process, which I've had that before also.