"unknown error occurred" on burst mode in camera app s7 edge?


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2016
Has anyone ran into an "unknown error occurred" while trying to do a burst mode (hold camera button) on the s7 edge.. Mine is the s7 edge tmobile version.. i have also done the adoptable storage option, making the sd / internal one big unit, but i'm using a 4k/high speed card..

It shows it taking the pictures, 1,2,3,4, etc.. usually by 4 or 5 the unknown error pops up and no photos are saved..

I've tried clearing the cache on both the camera and gallery app, as well as rebooting and doing the wipe system partition..

Any thoughts? Anyone out there with adoptable storage Able to do burst without issue? Maybe its related, unsure..

Thanks in advance
I to have a Samsung S7 Mobile Smartphone. The Camera has developed a fault. It will allow 2 to 3 pics to be saved then returns error "unknown error occurred" and reboots itself.

I have tried removing the SD card, makes it worse. I have cleared cache many times. It appears that it switchws to burst mode and in doing so attemps to write the Pic to the phone storage. I need help on this one please as this phone let me down seriously whilst overseas.

Anyone please steer me in the right direstion.

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