Upgrade question.


Jun 13, 2012
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Helllo everyone, I am not new to the forum as I have been coming on for years but I am new to actually posting anything.

Anyways, here is the deal. I have an account with Verizon with 3 lines (1 is mine, 1 is business, 1 is fiances). My fiances line and business line are just basic phones with no data. My fiance has an iPod touch that she uses everywhere there is wifi and is happy with a basic phone.

Both my fiance and myself are due for upgrades. I am coming from a droid 2 and was dead set on getting the D4 because of the keyboard. The more I research and played with the different phones out there I realized I could probably live without a keyboard in exchange for a phone with much better specs. So I had decided on getting either the Maxx or Nexus. Then I found out about the S3 being released and seem to like that phone also. I also know I have to make a decision by June 28th to keep my unlimited data. So here are my options I am considering.

1.) I can pre-order 2 32GB S3's (one on my line and one on my fiances) for around $380 after all the discounts. This will lock me in to unlimited data plan for at least the next 2 years then. I would then turn around and sell at least 1 or maybe both S3's when I get them. I figure I could wait out to see if the Vanquish is better and buy that at full price after selling both. Or if the S3 turns out to be a good phone (radios mainly) just keep it and sell the extra.

2.) I can pre-order 1 32GB S3 on my line for around $190. I can wait to see if it is worth the wait or sell it off also. I then could hold on to my fiances upgrade and grab the Vanquish or wait even longer to see what else will roll out in the next year or so.

Any ideas, or thoughts on this? Also, what do you think I would be fair market value for a brand new 32GB S3 in early July?



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Jun 13, 2010
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Well - my $0.02 would be to use one upgrade. You will have 14 days to decide if you like it and you can return it and get a different device on the same plan/upgrade. I've seen/heard of people going through 3 or phones this way to get the one they want.


Jun 13, 2012
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Thanks for the reply. The more I have been thinking about it, I may just switch to the new family share plans.

My business line uses up a ton of minutes and volume is increasing so I may have to bump up my minutes anyways in the next month or two.

I could add my mother, father, brother and my fiances sister all on one plan and save us all a bit of money. My fiance would then upgrade to a smart phone. That would give us 5 smartphones and 2 basic lines.

My mother and fiances sister only use around 1/2 GB at most per month right now. My fiance would be about the same as she has good wifi at work and home and really wouldn't use it much anywhere else. That leaves my brother and myself. I have been averaging around 3/4-1 GB per month and bro around 1-1.25 GB per month.

I can set up a plan with 8GB and even that may be overkill. This would then save everybody a minimum of around $10 a month to upwards of $40 a month. If I go this route I may just hold off on the upgrades until I find see what the Droid Vanquish really has to offer. Plus my fiance who has the other upgrade would just get the iPhone 5 when it comes out. She enjoys her iTouch and doesn't like a lot of change.

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