Used price of Thunderbolt in year?


Energy hoarder
Jan 30, 2011
What do you think a used Thunderbolt is going to fetch on ebay/craigslist in about a year after it's finally released? I'm wanting to buy a Bolt on a 1 year contract but it'll be ~$330+ tax (so $360 total) minimum out of pocket. I'd like to sell it in a year so I can upgrade (assuming something a lot better is out).

But do you think I'll be able to sell it for $360 in a year in good condition? Unfortunately I'm not made of money, I just don't know if I want to go 20 months with the same smart phone, I know after 2 years it's going to be worth next to nothing used.
i'd say if it's in good condition. High 100s-low 200s. I'd start with a bid of 200 and a buy it now price of 235. If it doesn't sell. Back it down to 175 with a buy it now of 200. Throw in 20 bucks for shipping. That's easy money since it will really only cost a few bucks to ship in a flat rate box. ebay is becoming a profession for me lol
i'd say if it's in good condition. High 100s-low 200s. I'd start with a bid of 200 and a buy it now price of 235. If it doesn't sell. Back it down to 175 with a buy it now of 200. Throw in 20 bucks for shipping. That's easy money since it will really only cost a few bucks to ship in a flat rate box. ebay is becoming a profession for me lol

What can I expect ebay to take from me?
Plan on getting $200 +/- for the phone. Ebay and Paypal will take about 10%, so you will net around $180.

Over the course of two years, buying two phones on 1-year contracts and selling them will not cost you that much more out of pocket than buying on a 2-year contract.

On a 2-year, the phone will cost about $275 with tax. At the end, you won't be able to sell the phone for much, so you will essentially be out the whole $275.

If you buy and sell two phones on 1-year contracts, your initial out-of-pocket will be about $700, assuming prices stay high like they are now for the Thunderbolt for future devices. You will be able to recoup about $350 - $400 of that selling the phones after a year.

The total net cost compared to a 2-year is only about $25 - $75, plus you have the added benefit of being much more mobile to switch to another carrier if you desire.
You can sell it possibly up to $300. Depends on how popular the phone is and whats out at the time.

I wouldnt sell it on ebay. That place is bad business. They not only screw the people who sell on their site and make them money but they keep raising fees so high its not even worth selling on there.
Well, I just sold my EVO for $350 and the buyer was very satisfied. That's about how much everyone is selling their's for. Remember, people buy phones on ebay for RETAIL price and the ThunderBolt is $750. That's how people who signed contracts and get the phone for a subsidized price make out.
well considering that LTE will be a lot more prevalent in a year's time and more people will want to jump on w/o a contract... I'd say easily $350 if in excellent shape.

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