My husband bought a Google Android tablet, Jelly Bean 4.2.2, and shortly there after, he bought a micro SD card so that he could put system files and downloaded items into it, and like so many Android users, found out that he wasn't able to. Many months later I got a wild hair to research online to find out if it was possible or not. We found out quick that different android systems have different and sometimes destructive ways to tweak their device so that the external SD card can be used as storage, and that all have the same or similar issues in not being able to use their sd card for storage. After many hours and almost about to give up, I finally found a posting about how to move folders and files from an internal sd, to the external sd, on the Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2. Honestly, even after carefully reading that gentleman's instructions I still was unable to save to the external...But then, I decided to go with my instinct and try something specific and...BANGARANG! I was able to move folders and files from the internal, to the external. I hope the instructions I type out are clear and easy to follow, and that if you haven't yet found a way to use your external sd, that it comes easy for you after this.
After you've downloaded onto your android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 what you wish to be moved to your external, you want to go to your app page and click on FILE MANAGER. From there, click on SD CARD. From there, you can move whole folders, or a specific file(s) within a folder. Even those folders and files you can't open, you can still move. Once SD CARD is open, choose your folder or file by PRESSING and HOLDING. You should see small red letters pop up letting you know that item is on hold and as well, a new window will pop open and from there, click on MOVE (cut). From there, click on the EXTERNAL SD CARD icon in the row of choices above the folders and files. With my husband's tablet, the external sd card icon is the second icon in the row, the first icon would be the internal SD card. From there, click on the very last icon in the row...I have no idea what it's called, but another window should pop up, click on PASTE. Depending on the size of the folder or file, is how long or short a time it will take.
Using the same method, you can move and/or delete most any folder and file in your file manager. I hope this works for you as well as it did for me, best of luck to you!