Item description: Verizon Moto Z Droid - FINE condition + JBL Soundboost Moto Mod
Price: 325 (shipping included)
Condition: Fine
Carrier locked: Verizon / GSM Unlocked - verified on T-Mobile
Location: Los Angeles area
Payment : Paypal gift preferred
Shipping: FedEx
Additional info:
Comes with original box, turbo charger brick and SIM tool. I do not have the USB-C to headphone jack dongle.
Comes with a zebra wood Moto Mod back cover and a FINE condition JBL Soundboost Speaker Moto Mod.
Screen and body are in FINE condition.
Please see feedback for me here in the AC forums.
Price: 325 (shipping included)
Condition: Fine
Carrier locked: Verizon / GSM Unlocked - verified on T-Mobile
Location: Los Angeles area
Payment : Paypal gift preferred
Shipping: FedEx
Additional info:
Comes with original box, turbo charger brick and SIM tool. I do not have the USB-C to headphone jack dongle.
Comes with a zebra wood Moto Mod back cover and a FINE condition JBL Soundboost Speaker Moto Mod.
Screen and body are in FINE condition.
Please see feedback for me here in the AC forums.