Verizon Note 3 users WE NOW HAVE ROOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The root method works perfectly. And I think there is an xposed mod that removes the custom icon at the beginning of the phones boot.

Sent from my SM-N900V using AC Forums mobile app
The root method works perfectly. And I think there is an xposed mod that removes the custom icon at the beginning of the phones boot.

Sent from my SM-N900V using AC Forums mobile app

When you find it please let me know. Only annoying thing.
I was a little worried about rooting this phone with the whole Knox thing. Seeing this doesn't trip the counter.......think I'm going to go ahead and root before they find a way of stopping this.
Any good site for instructions for us noobs/recent iPhone converts? Which ROMs to use?
Not interested in wiping the phone to do it. Maybe another way will surface that doesn't require a wipe. ..

Sent from my Note 3
What is the real benefit of root? I just finally got everything up and running on my phone and came from Blackberry. Not sure I totally understand the difference between this and non - root.
For starters AdBlock, and for many other reasons there are things you can do using XPosed Mods that do not require a custom ROM.

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