Verizon says no unlimited data on 3g Dinc to SGIII

Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D

Vladebeast goes and makes a quote of this proportion and then doesn't answer back. we are all waiting to see his backup to his quote.
when i read the contract it stated verizon reserves the right to change your contract at anytime as long as they give you a 15 day notice, little nervous about this my self. We shall see come Mon.

If they change your contract, wouldn't it give you the right to choose to unbind your 2 year contract? For me, I have nothing to worry, I can simply choose another carrier.
Thanks I am very incouraged by the responses that others have moved from original 3g to SGSIII that Verizon will come back and honor our original agreement. I still cant believe they are arguing with me on this knowing i have an online preorder confirmation stating that I have unlimited data. I just wish they did not try the dangle the carrot in front of the horse trick to get me to change over. We're not going to send your phone until you change over approach is just frustrating.
Thanks I am very incouraged by the responses that others have moved from original 3g to SGSIII that Verizon will come back and honor our original agreement. I still cant believe they are arguing with me on this knowing i have an online preorder confirmation stating that I have unlimited data. I just wish they did not try the dangle the carrot in front of the horse trick to get me to change over. We're not going to send your phone until you change over approach is just frustrating.

Just tell them if they do not give you unlimited which you were promised on your receipt that you will leave and they will not be able to force an ETF on you because clearly that would be breaking the terms in which you agreed to.
I just came from the HTC Incredible. Preordered the S3 on 6/6. Was delivered on Thursday. My account online still shows unlimited data.

That's a bunch of b.s. if they don't let you keep your unlimited.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I am wondering if maybe the reps thought they would sneak a quick one on you to make some extra $$ for their pockets and thats why they said this. I haven't heard of anyone else going from a 3g device and not being able to keep unlimited
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My nephew is going from a DX to a SG3 and his shipped out without issues. I will let you know ow it goes when he gets the phone and activates it!
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Verizon announced that they would be killing all unlimited data plans even if your were grandfathered in. And even before that whenever anybody upgraded to a 4G device they would have to be moved to a tiered data plan

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D

This is absolutely, unequivocally incorrect.
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Switched from dinc last night. Email receipt and receipt in the package both have unlimited data listed. Haven't checked site since the switch.

Just checked site and unlimited data is still there
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I updated from original dinc to sg3. I also pre-ordered 6-7 and did not lose unlimited data. In fact, I updated from 500 messages to 1000 messages for same $10 charge (no increase). gl
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I updated from original dinc to sg3. I also pre-ordered 6-7 and did not lose unlimited data. In fact, I updated from 500 messages to 1000 messages for same $10 charge (no increase). gl
I kept my original 500 messages since they included texting to Verizon. We never come close to using ours up anyway... :)
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This is complete BS, My uncle just upgraded his and his wife's dinc2 to S3 with no problem and kept unlimited.

Stop making up
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I am wondering if maybe the reps thought they would sneak a quick one on you to make some extra $$ for their pockets and thats why they said this. I haven't heard of anyone else going from a 3g device and not being able to keep unlimited

This wouldn't surprise me.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Android Central Forums
Updated my DInc and my wifes Facinate to SIII no issues. Befor the upgrade we intentionally called 5 different times to talk to a CSR and each one told me the same thing, if you upgrade your phone before the cutoff date that no matter what you upgraded to that your unlimited would carry over. The paperwork for both of our phones said unlimited and online shows unlimited.

There was a LOT of misinformation when it came to this phone and the change to the share everything plans. Stick with it OP, you will keep your unlimited if that is what your contract paper says...if not you can leave without your ETF or if you want to have some fun you can contact a lawyer for breach of contract
I cant wait to hear from them early this week. I just hope they dont pull a your phone will arrive for two or three more weeks. If anyone has other thoughts on suggestions then please let me know.
I think it's like others have said, if you have it in writing (or, next best, can point them to exact time/date of phone conversation), then you should be able to get that honored. It may take some persistence, but you should get the desired outcome.

I had a rep help me in store with some overage issues once and he said he would back-date my contract change to the beginning of the month so I wouldn't get pro-rated minutes and be clobbered by per-minute fees. He provided me with a receipt that spelled this out. This was not honored when the bill came, so I went back to the store, contract in hand, and played a waiting game with another rep for maybe an hour until they came around. I kept pointing out that they had signed a contract with me, that they expected me to honor my end of it, and that I expected the same of them. I nearly lost it towards the end but did finally get what they had committed to.

Good luck to you.
This is definitely a case of bait and switch. When I ordered the Droid 4, Im sure I only got to keep my Unlimited Data because my contract was going to be up soon and I requested an early upgrade. Otherwise, as I heard from some of my friends, it was an uphill battle to keep Unlimited Data, and this was months before (think February) the announcement of Shared Data craps :-\ As long as you calmly tell them (over and over) that's it's their fault and that you have no problem leaving, Im sure all will go well. But after this, no more contract renewals with Big Red...
there may be something more to the story that we aren't hearing. op, can you call back, record the conversation, and ask in detail for the csr to explain why the pre-order before 6/28 can't keep unlimited data? of course, make sure to inform them that you are recording it. and post it here. if we have the exact details, then we might be able to help you put up a better defense.

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