Question very slow notifications until phone is unlocked.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
Hi all.
Put this on a few sites,this is nothing at all to do with setting as all been tried.
This don't happen on standard apps like calls/messages but on added apps like whatsapp/ebay/amazon and so on.
Notifications are so slow to get until you pick up your phone and unlock it and then they come through,my friend has a iphone 14pro max and i have a s23 ultra.
both has messages sent at the same time,iPhone gets it straight away,not mine so waited for a good 30 mins and then opened the phone and it came through.
We tested this on whatsapp messages and ebay messages and also happens on amazon when your waiting for a delivery saying how close it is.
I have heard so many people complain about this.
As said above,its nothing at all to do with setting as all checked,its not good.
I was really considering upgrading to a s24 ultra.
Thanks all.
Any power-saving modes turned on? Or "memory booster" apps installed? Samsung tends to be more aggressive when it comes to tweaking the firmware to keep apps either in a deep sleep mode or killed in the background, in order to save battery. This might result in notifications being delayed.
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You will also want to check to see if any of these apps are in your Sleeping apps or Deep Sleeping apps lists. Like B. Diddy mentioned Samsung is highly aggressive with putting apps to sleep when it sees them running in the background. To check these two lists go to, Settings>Battery and device care>Battery (tap where it shows battery %)>Background usage limits>Sleeping apps/Deep Sleeping apps, make sure none of the affected apps appear in these lists. While you are here you can also add them to your Never auto sleeping apps list and you also have the option to turn off Samsung doing this automatically by unchecking the option, Put unused apps to sleep, option at the top of this parge.

Let us know what you find.
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Hi there,thanks for the fast reply.
No apps are sleeping and power saving is off,every setting possible has been done and looked at.
I read somewhere that this is a normal power saving thing that's on all androids now,it will only let the stock apps do instant notifications,don't know if this is true but seems how it works.
Hi there,thanks for the fast reply.
No apps are sleeping and power saving is off,every setting possible has been done and looked at.
I read somewhere that this is a normal power saving thing that's on all androids now,it will only let the stock apps do instant notifications,don't know if this is true but seems how it works.
Yeah if left untouched for awhile it will go into sleep mode
Please site that source because I don't feel that is accurate.

The two main things that typically cause notifications to only come through when the device is awake is battery saving activity or apps that are asleep.

We've seen questions on notifications only coming through after unlocking from a reboot recently. I think this may have just come to some devices, while others have had it for some time.

Are you running any power saving apps?

Are you running the stock UI or a third party UI like Nova Launcher?

How long has this been happening? Have you restarted the device recently?

Have you gotten any updates or patches for your device since you began noticing this?

Are you running any Antivirus or Malware apps?
Please site that source because I don't feel that is accurate.

The two main things that typically cause notifications to only come through when the device is awake is battery saving activity or apps that are asleep.

We've seen questions on notifications only coming through after unlocking from a reboot recently. I think this may have just come to some devices, while others have had it for some time.

Are you running any power saving apps?

Are you running the stock UI or a third party UI like Nova Launcher?

How long has this been happening? Have you restarted the device recently?

Have you gotten any updates or patches for your device since you began noticing this?

Are you running any Antivirus or Malware apps?
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I'm running stock system,no Nova,no antivirus and no power saving apps,the phone has been completely set back to default so only stock apps on there with none added then changed and checked the setting. for when left goes into sleep mode,this could be the case but sleep mode is not on so would certain 3rd party apps have something like this built in as stock apps seems to work ok.
Well all I can tell you is I don't get notifications when I pick up my phone. Tapatalk, Linkedin, X, Reddit, and Samsung Email all notify me even when I'm not looking at my device. I don't do Facebook or Insta, and I had to turn off Telegram it was getting so annoying, otherwise I've changed no settings.

Perhaps try clearing the partition cache. It's obviously not any individual app, system apps don't seem to be affected, but things have been known to glitch with some updates.

To clear the cache partition on a Samsung Galaxy S23, you can do the following:
  1. Turn off the device
  2. Press and hold the Side key and the Volume Up button simultaneously
  3. Release the Side key when the device turns on, but continue to press the Volume Up button until the device enters Reboot Mode
  4. Use the Volume Down button to select Wipe cache partition
  5. Press the Side key
  6. Use the Volume Down button to select Yes
  7. Press the Side key
  8. The device will automatically reboot after the cache and data have been deleted
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I'm running stock system,no Nova,no antivirus and no power saving apps,the phone has been completely set back to default so only stock apps on there with none added then changed and checked the setting. for when left goes into sleep mode,this could be the case but sleep mode is not on so would certain 3rd party apps have something like this built in as stock apps seems to work ok.
This Doze mode I don't think we can control, I see it on my Samsung and Google phones
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This Doze mode I don't think we can control, I see it on my Samsung and Google phones
Yes you are 100% right,i don't think its a problem with setting its just how it works,main stuff like text/calls are fine its things like whats app messages and GMail/eBay/amazon,all are delayed until you unlock the phone.
Most people wont even notice it or aint got the notifications turned on,how i tried it is put my old iphone and android side by side,left them for around1 hour then sent both phones something like a email or whatsapp text,iphone is instant and most times the android waits,its there just waiting for you to unlock it.
By the way,just got a s24 ultra and does the same but I'm just not an iPhone person or fan......sorry Apple......
Same as before,changed all the setting.
Thank to you all for your response,i think you can see it Mustang and the problem.
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Yes you are 100% right,i don't think its a problem with setting its just how it works,main stuff like text/calls are fine its things like whats app messages and GMail/eBay/amazon,all are delayed until you unlock the phone.
Most people wont even notice it or aint got the notifications turned on,how i tried it is put my old iphone and android side by side,left them for around1 hour then sent both phones something like a email or whatsapp text,iphone is instant and most times the android waits,its there just waiting for you to unlock it.
By the way,just got a s24 ultra and does the same but I'm just not an iPhone person or fan......sorry Apple......
Same as before,changed all the setting.
Thank to you all for your response,i think you can see it Mustang and the problem.
Yeah I think this is an Android thing more than anything but we can't do much about it.

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