Hi, everyone, new user here. I recently upgraded my Samsung J3 with the Nokia C110. The J3 was stuck at Android 6 and the Nokia has Android 12. I've been able to set most of the settings to my liking, except the vibration notifications. On the J3 the strength was enough that I never needed to adjust it, and there was a setting for notifications to repeat at a chosen interval. This was great because while it's in my pocket or across the room it didn't disturb other people and would repeat until I checked it.
The Nokia's default vibration is very weak and I finally found a setting for haptic strength in the gboard settings but don't know yet if the change is system-wide. I still can't find any setting to repeat notifications. Does anyone know if this setting is buried somewhere, if it's absent in Android 12 or Nokia C110, or if it's a StraightTalk modification?
The Nokia's default vibration is very weak and I finally found a setting for haptic strength in the gboard settings but don't know yet if the change is system-wide. I still can't find any setting to repeat notifications. Does anyone know if this setting is buried somewhere, if it's absent in Android 12 or Nokia C110, or if it's a StraightTalk modification?