Device: Samsung S5 Neo (Android 5.1.1)
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Slide pages backwards, moving your finger from left to right, on the device Desktop or inside the Apps menu.
You will see a small lag, before the previous page is displayed.
I reproduced this problem on two identical devices (Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo).
I don't know if this is a Android 5.1.1 problem, or a device specific one. Maybe both.
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Slide pages backwards, moving your finger from left to right, on the device Desktop or inside the Apps menu.
You will see a small lag, before the previous page is displayed.
I reproduced this problem on two identical devices (Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo).
I don't know if this is a Android 5.1.1 problem, or a device specific one. Maybe both.