Voice-to-text: Google adds content from seemingly out of nowhere


Well-known member
May 8, 2015
Today, I had something extremely weird happen while texting with my Samsung S23+ phone, something I’d never seen or heard about before. I was using the voice-to-text feature, as I often do. The feature is set to use Google’s voice-to-text, not Samsung’s. I spoke one sentence, Google entered the words—and then it kept typing stuff. Nonsense, but mostly real words. There was no one around me speaking, or any noise at all. I was out on a trail (near the trailhead), and even the wind was calm. My signal was weak at that location, but the text was sent (the few I tried after that could not be transmitted). I don’t know if what Google said is revelatory, but here it is for the record:

‘nation so no for me it would be Sambo because of Sambo foc more of a grappling with also punches and us what’s better about the is that it also has like’

I tried searching for pieces of this text and did not find any matches, but I did discover that Sambo is a martial art that originated in the Soviet Union, and it involves grappling and striking (I only knew of Sambo as a racist, derogatory term). Has anyone ever heard of this kind of thing happening with voice-to-text messaging? Any idea what could prompt it? The obvious answer is that my phone is haunted, but I’m looking for something a little less obvious.

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