Weird Battery Gap


New member
Feb 2, 2012
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Sup guys and gals,

Running stock 4.0.2 ICS on Verizon Galaxy Nexus in NYC area. As we all know, battery life isn't the best on the market however im being treated to some weird gaps and drops in my battery percentage. this happens fairly often and without a certain cause. Phone usage is normal to heavy but nothing intensive. I've included some screen shots to show what i mean by these gaps. In the third screenshot you can see it raises back up by a significant amount when plugged into the charger.

Also, i know this is a known issue but the android OS is using up a lot of power and is staying awake far too often.

Can someone please provide some assistance for my problem?

Thanks alot.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
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Try turning off the LTE until you need it. It looks like your LTE radio is sucking up the battery looking for a signal.

There are several spots there where your overall signal strength is low to red. When the device is looking for a signal it will use more juice then normal.

Hope this helps.