What do you use Tasker for?


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Nov 7, 2010
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I've been thinking about investing in Tasker, solely for the purpose of having the GPS turn on automatically when I launch apps like Maps and GasBuddy. What do you use it for?


Feb 24, 2011
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I used it to launch music apps when I plug in my headset full time. I also have a "work" program that puts my phone into airplane mode because I work in a lab with a high level of RF/general interference. Tasker brings my network back up a few minutes before break times to sync and fetch messages, then takes my network down a few minutes after break all to save battery when I can't get signal anyways.


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Nov 8, 2009
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I certainly don't want to talk anyone out of using Tasker, but be aware that in stock Gingerbread ROMs, Tasker's ability to enable/disable GPS has been removed.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
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I've been thinking about investing in Tasker, solely for the purpose of having the GPS turn on automatically when I launch apps like Maps and GasBuddy.
Unless there are apps that use your GPS receiver without your knowledge and kill your battery I don't see the point. I leave GPS on all the time with no impact on battery life. It's only active use of the GPS receiver (you'll see the icon in your notification bar) that will eat your battery. Simply leaving it on won't.

What do you use it for?
Disabling the screen lock while powered via the USB port. Enabling Google Voice forwarding to my office phone only while I'm in the office (since the office voicemail will pick up before GV voicemail). Announcing the caller's name, when available, and falling back to announcing the caller's number when the name isn't available. Silencing the device except for phone calls when in the desk dock.

Here's a question...would I be able to use it to turn on WiFi when I get home from work, based on location, but WITHOUT turning on GPS?
Google "Location Without Tears". It's on the Tasker site. In short, the answer is yes.

Yes it can although the location accuracy is best with gps enabled.
Though relying on GPS to determine your location will eat your battery, which is why the Location Without Tears article was created. My Google Voice profile uses the Cell Near context instead since it consumes far less power than frequently polling the GPS receiver.
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