What does Cachemate actually do


Retired Moderator
Nov 22, 2009
i know it will clear the cache but is there anything that is noticeable by doing this (speed?). i tried the free one but i didnt really see a significant difference in speed. Is the paid version better aside from more features?

on a side note, not sure if any of you guys have come across this but i used an app called SeePU and it is pretty interesting. It displays an icon oh the notifactaion bar how high you CPU is being used. So if it is full you might want to let your phone rest a second so that you can go through with what ever you're doing and not over tax the CPU. figured i would tells you about it in this thread because i dont know if there is already a thread talking about this. i would rather not be one of those people :D haha

oh cr@p. i posted this in the wrong forum. if a mod can move this. thanks and sorry guys
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I'm not an Android expert. Cache in general is a good thing. The idea is to save time from having to retrieve things used a lot - or in some cases, predicted to be used again soon, in an area that takes less time to get it a second or more times than to get it again from the original place. So clearing cache may not speed things up, and could slightly slow things down (if you clear things that are used repetitively), until the overall cache gets to such a place it reduces available memory, or in fact, like web page caches that never get cleared, the cache become a garbage dump.
So I think the monthly maint article is probably a good place to think about this; if your use of certain apps, or heavy web-usage that are of pages that aren't static, appears to be slowing things down, then maybe more frequently would help. So in general, I'd say keep web page cache cleared more frequently, and check overall cache size at some regular period, or just clear it if things seem slugish.
I personally like it....use it all the time to keep my internal memory in check. Have had not problems as of yet.
WOW...just installed this. I'm not sure what it has done to the speed yet but it cleared 20mb of space on my phone.
I'm not an Android expert. Cache in general is a good thing. The idea is to save time from having to retrieve things used a lot - or in some cases, predicted to be used again soon, in an area that takes less time to get it a second or more times than to get it again from the original place. So clearing cache may not speed things up, and could slightly slow things down (if you clear things that are used repetitively), until the overall cache gets to such a place it reduces available memory, or in fact, like web page caches that never get cleared, the cache become a garbage dump.
So I think the monthly maint article is probably a good place to think about this; if your use of certain apps, or heavy web-usage that are of pages that aren't static, appears to be slowing things down, then maybe more frequently would help. So in general, I'd say keep web page cache cleared more frequently, and check overall cache size at some regular period, or just clear it if things seem slugish.

CacheMate dev here. Cache is usually a good thing but when it comes to Android, especially devices like the G1, cache is bad, bad, bad. The G1 internal storage can be filled in as little as a day using just the browser's cache. In my opinion, lack of an efficient cache cleaning in Android is a huge oversight. I would love to be able to keep my browser's cache but, even with apps2d, which doesn't store data (cache) on the SD card, the internal storage will just be eaten away. I created CacheMate for me and a few family members to easily clean cache and decided others will need it as well. My G1 would literally run out of space everyday. It wasn't so bad with the myTouch but is again a problem with the Nexus One. It should be noted that a large amount of cache on the device is actually garbage and developers should be more responsible and remove it automatically. Finally, CacheMate is not meant to speed up the device but it might be a nice side effect of having more internal storage (I've never tested this). The free version should be enough for most people but the paid version does add a lot of features and gives me a reason to continue development (the nature of CacheMate is such that it requires frequent updates). Remember, I answer all email personally if anyone has any questions or suggestions.

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