What happened to my Android Galaxy Note?


AC Question

I LOVED my android Note 3. I tried the iPhone and it was not for me. I turned it in for the Note 5. Note 5 seems almost exactly like iPhone 6+. What gives?

Two features I loved:
- could swipe back and forth from the menus and it went circular. I could go left and eventually hit the same screens, or I could right. I had a choice.

- the battery was removable. This was invaluable as a hiker. I do not want a pack! I want a battery swap out. I had several. They are now USELESS

Also, now it constantly freezes. I have to reboot constantly and I barely have any apps on it. The home button freezes.

I was able to use a button to the left and right of the Home menu for a menu list, settings etc. This is gone! On occasion, it will show a list or let me close this way.

Who made the decision that a Galaxy Note needed to function EXACTLY LIKE AN IPHONE? How do we complain? Surely there is somewhere to vote on features to bring back or just voice what we feel is pure stupidity. These things set the Note apart. Now, it doesn't matter if I have an iPhone or Note. The only difference seems to be the stylus.


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Feb 12, 2012
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Re: What happened to Android Galaxy Note!

- could swipe back and forth from the menus and it went circular. I could go left and eventually hit the same screens, or I could right. I had a choice.
Install Nova Launcher. Then you can get infinite scrolling back.

- the battery was removable. This was invaluable as a hiker. I do not want a pack! I want a battery swap out. I had several. They are now USELESS
Samsung did it to the pooch on that one and the SD card - S6 and Note 5 sales have been terrible. Maybe they learned, and the S7 and Note 6 will be usable again. (Or they won't, and take another bath.)

Also, now it constantly freezes. I have to reboot constantly and I barely have any apps on it. The home button freezes.
That's a defect. I'd ask for a replacement if the carrier can't fix it.

I was able to use a button to the left and right of the Home menu for a menu list, settings etc. This is gone! On occasion, it will show a list or let me close this way.
That's Android. It's why I'm back to KitKat on my phone. I don't need a blazingly white screen with an Amoled display.

Who made the decision that a Galaxy Note needed to function EXACTLY LIKE AN IPHONE?
A combination of Google ans Samsung, in this case.

How do we complain?
With your wallet - don't buy phones like that.

Surely there is somewhere to vote on features to bring back or just voice what we feel is pure stupidity. These things set the Note apart. Now, it doesn't matter if I have an iPhone or Note. The only difference seems to be the stylus.
Well ... there are other differences, but the "welded shut phone" mentality seems to be the same. I'm waiting for a modular phone.