Are there any aftermarket devices that support BOTH Android Auto, AND the Apple equivalent?
My understanding is that Android Auto is not contained in the car device per se, but strictly in the phone. It's just, the device has to be able to interact on its end with the Android Auto app on the phone's end. I am led to believe that this is also the case with Apple.
So, If I'm right, then it seems like it'd be easy to make a device that supports both platforms, and unless there are costly royalties to pay to make your device compatable, it seems like it'd be quite advantageous to the car manufacturer to release cross-compatible devices, rather than lining up on one side or the other like they are.
The fact that they're not doing this gives me pause and makes me wonder if I'm not mistaken on how all this stuff works. If I am wrong, please correct me.
Anyway, our primary car is a 2013 Kia Soul, with an aged, junker secondary in a 1994 Chevy Corsica. Obviously, the Corsica doesn't support these, but neither does the Kia. Right now the Mrs and I both have iPhones (6+ each) so Android Auto isn't an immediate option for us anyway. But I do still plan to go multiplatform............eventually, and pick up a Nexus someday, as well as jumping onto Windows Phone at some point (which, I hear is also getting into Auto, which with UWP makes perfect sense).
To that end, if we were going to replace the Kia's factory audio or replace an aging aftermarket in the Corsica with something "smart", I'd like to be future-proofed with something that doesn't only support Apple, but also Android Auto (and heck, even Windows, ideally!)
So, does anyone know if such a beast exists?