When was Verizon's Extended Return Period for the Holidays?


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Dec 1, 2010
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My brother's line has an upgrade 10/27/12 but isn't in much of a hurry, though I think he'll appreciate 4G when he has it.
I told him to wait until Black Friday, 11/23 to see if any retailers would offer any enticing deals, and also told him that if he waited until December, Verizon may have another extended return period for the benefit of the holiday gift givers and receivers.

Last year, I was thinking it was something like "anyone who buys from 12/1 to 1/1 would have until 1/16 to return" but does anyone remember if this was accurate?

When I bought my Nexus around 12/16 last year, I was confident I would like the phone, but it made the purchase much easier knowing I would have a full month, along with a couple long weekends to truly evaluate it for bugs and hardware issues.

He mentioned that he thought the GS III looked good, but I told him to wait, since he'll be in a better position to evaluate his purchase and/or save money. It also looks like there may be some new phones coming out on VZW in November/December.

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