When will they flip the kill switch off!

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
You know its coming!! We have one more big bird to be flipped at us. That is when the kill switch (no signal) is hit before most of us exchange for another phone. I sure hope they give us a fair timeline, I can only imagine the chaos at the carriers, long lines with angry N7 owners forced into choosing another functional phone.

I know some have a backup phone, but many of us do not.
You know its coming!! We have one more big bird to be flipped at us. That is when the kill switch (no signal) is hit before most of us exchange for another phone. I sure hope they give us a fair timeline, I can only imagine the chaos at the carriers, long lines with angry N7 owners forced into choosing another functional phone.

I know some have a backup phone, but many of us do not.

Don't you mean flip the "Kill Switch" on ?
You know its coming!! We have one more big bird to be flipped at us. That is when the kill switch (no signal) is hit before most of us exchange for another phone. I sure hope they give us a fair timeline, I can only imagine the chaos at the carriers, long lines with angry N7 owners forced into choosing another functional phone.

I know some have a backup phone, but many of us do not.

I read that Samsung was giving Note 7 owners in Korea until the end of the year to return their phones. I would hope carriers would keep the signal going for the amount of time it is going to take for customers to pick a replacement phone. I have had to find a replacement and I won't have it until Saturday.
I read that Samsung was giving Note 7 owners in Korea until the end of the year to return their phones. I would hope carriers would keep the signal going for the amount of time it is going to take for customers to pick a replacement phone. I have had to find a replacement and I won't have it until Saturday.

Just curious what you went with (if you don't mind sharing).
Just curious what you went with (if you don't mind sharing).

I just ordered a refurbished S7Edge on Ebay. It is not the phone of my dreams, but it will allow me to remain free of a Verizon device payment so that I can jump on the next Note phone.
Jerry Hildebrand discussed on a podcast. His guess was that they would use the same IMEI blocking they do for stolen phones.
Worst case scenario

Is there a chance that sprint/verizon/tmobile etc will block network access for the n7?
My organization flipped the kill switch this morning. We remotely wiped all our Note 7s and have a power down policy on them. As soon as a user powers them up and they get cell signal they receive the command to power down again.

Citrix XenMobile has some powerfully draconian features.
My organization flipped the kill switch this morning. We remotely wiped all our Note 7s and have a power down policy on them. As soon as a user powers them up and they get cell signal they receive the command to power down again.

Citrix XenMobile has some powerfully draconian features.

You mean your carrier did that... or your employer? I didn't think the latter could do that.
Re: Worst case scenario

Yes, I would think so. At the very least they will discontinue software support, or do something to render it obsolete or unusable.
My employer. We have Citrix XenMobile managing all our iOS and Android devices and yes, it can do that.

We did instruct the users that have company owned Note 7s to power them off last week but some resisted.
Stupidity or Incompetence?

What had lead to this dismal situation that Samsung is facing with the Note 7?

I personally lean towards the stupidity angle.

I have owned other Samsung products. TVs, refrigerators, and of course phones.

I started with the Note 2 and upgraded each year when the new models come out.

After this fiasco with the Note 7, I have lost all confidence and respect for Samsung.

I stopped buying their refrigerators because of problems on a brand new refrigerator that I had which was under warranty or was four months old and took a year to resolve.

Now this whole thing with the phones. Now I have to go into a VZW store again, less than a month after spending nearly 4 hours waiting for them to figure out how to process my replacement.

Samsung has not done right by its customers.

Between how they have handled a defective phone the various law suits that they have been found at fault in, how can we trust this company? I don't think that I can.
Re: Stupidity or Incompetence?

I don't know that I would call it stupidity or incompetence. More it was an unfortunate unforeseen circumstance. Engineering made a mistake. It happens. That doesn't make them stupid or incompetent.

They've done well by their customers. Issued a recall at the initial outset, and when it expanded, instructed everybody to just flat out return them and get refunds. What else can you ask for? People injured by the burning devices will be compensated.

The only people that will ultimately be "out" anything will be the people at Samsung. Outside of Samsung, anybody left less than whole will be made whole. Samsung has the money, and it won't hurt them in anything other than pride to make things right.
I think this go around the carriers are going to be quicker about things.

VZW already canceled my payment plan and refunded me my first payment. I haven't even returned the phone yet. I will be refunded the sales tax when I return my phone to the store.
Re: Stupidity or Incompetence?

What had lead to this dismal situation that Samsung is facing with the Note 7?

I personally lean towards the stupidity angle.

I have owned other Samsung products. TVs, refrigerators, and of course phones.

I started with the Note 2 and upgraded each year when the new models come out.

After this fiasco with the Note 7, I have lost all confidence and respect for Samsung.

I stopped buying their refrigerators because of problems on a brand new refrigerator that I had which was under warranty or was four months old and took a year to resolve.

Now this whole thing with the phones. Now I have to go into a VZW store again, less than a month after spending nearly 4 hours waiting for them to figure out how to process my replacement.

Samsung has not done right by its customers.

Between how they have handled a defective phone the various law suits that they have been found at fault in, how can we trust this company? I don't think that I can.

I trust them. I trust them because they've been making phones for a long time and 1 mistake doesn't change that. Some of you folks are ridiculous. I guess you are perfect in all that you do? Samsung produced an awesome phone, recalled it when they didn't have to, gave promotion after promotion with free crap, and is still recalling it again at the expense of unfortold losses. Apple never gives anything or.has any promotions, and has had similar battery issues, yet there is silence.
Re: Stupidity or Incompetence?

Greed - rushed timelines.

If a woman can make a baby in 9 months, 9 women can make a baby in a single month.

Or so the tubes would have you believe.
Re: Stupidity or Incompetence?

You don't have to go into Verizon. Your account should be set back to upgrade status by now. Order a new phone and wait for Samsung to send you a box kit to ship the N7 back. Verizon stores are not taking back N7s... it's all being handled through Samsung

Edit: Verizon has washed their hands and want not part of this second recall.
Pretty smart of them to reset everyone's accounts for upgrade eligibility....

Edit: I said Samsung is sending the box but it's Verizon who sending them
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