Who would download and use widgets from precentral, crackbery TiPb etc?


Well-known member
May 6, 2010
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I came to AC from PreCentral, and use the AC widget more than any other widget on my evo except for maybe the clock. My question is, who would use widgets from other operating systems eg, precentral, crackberry TiPb ect, if they were available in the market? Dieter Derek and Keith and the rest do a great job on precentral with everything webos and i still go over there quite frequently to see what happening with webos and palm.

was just wondering if it would be worth their while to make a widget for use on a different platform. I really don't know what it takes to keep the headlines up to date or technically what is involved on a day to day basis.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2010
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I still keep PreCentral in my RSS because I'm still a little interested in how Palm is going to proceed now being owned my HP, but I wouldn't use a Precentral widget. I do use the AC widget and Engadget widget, but I primarily read them in RSS anyway.