Why am I so paranoid with android?


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Jan 25, 2013
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Honestly, I'm not sure what it is, but I'm like super paranoid of messing my Android stuff up with the amount of customizing and digging that the OS let's me do.

I'll use one example with a app I downloaded because I wanted to test and see if my nexus 7 had banding and gradient issues.

The application was

They had a test that let me adjust different color levels to see if any banding occurs in certain color spectrums.

But I don't know if that test just simulated adjusting the screens color system, or really was fiddling with it. Now I'm paranoid my screen looks a little less saturated or vibrant. But it was just a test, right?

Honestly, android is kinda kicking my anxiety into high gear. Now I'm constantly worried I'm going to accidently dig into its code and screw it up somehow.

Is it impossible to do anything to the devices internals and code without being rooted. Should I just breath and not worry about it. Or is android not for me?


Jun 2, 2013
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I do have OCD. don't know if I'm a hypochondriac. I just am super OCD about my expensive stuff.

in all seriousness if you do have OCD, then spending a lot of time reading forum posts by people who may be having issues will probably send you into overdrive. Speaking as someone who doesn't have OCD I can tell you doing the same will also end up making you worry too much about too little. You've seen from talking to me before that I was getting edgy about staying with android, but I took a breather from all these problem posts and realized that I was putting too much faith in those posts. I'm staying with Android and glad I am. Perhaps this article will help you. As for the GPS/multitouch issues that some of us were experiencing are now being addressed by Google in an update that just started rolling out. (and now the 2-3 habitually annoying iFanboys who were shooting their mouths off about the iPad will have to S tee ef up. That was in the patch notes ;) )


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Sep 30, 2010
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Forums and the internet in general have a way of magnifying any flaw. The assumption is that if any issue happens to one device it must be happening to all and if you can run one test app that shows the problem than the issue means the device is worthless. A case in point is the multitouch issue. I can get it to happen sometime with the test app, but cannot get to happen in my normal use, so I am not worried about. For other people it may happen in their normal use and is a bigger issue.


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Nov 13, 2012
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New to Android I'm a little paranoid myself. Does anybody have a tutorial on how to restore to factory settings from any state. Knowing how to do reset is always helpfull


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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New to Android I'm a little paranoid myself. Does anybody have a tutorial on how to restore to factory settings from any state. Knowing how to do reset is always helpfull

Mainly Settings menu. Either Security, or Back Up and Reset.

Citizen Coyote

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Jul 9, 2011
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Is it impossible to do anything to the devices internals and code without being rooted. Should I just breath and not worry about it. Or is android not for me?

Impossible? I wouldn't say that, but it is extremely difficult to permanently screw up your device by mucking with settings and apps. Android won't allow you to uninstall or disable anything critical to its operation (you can see this yourself under Apps -> All, options to disable things like Android System will be greyed out). Force stopping and uninstalling/disabling random apps may cause unexpected and unpredictable behavior, but you can always perform a factory reset to fix most serious problems (Backup & reset -> Factory reset). If things truly go south, you can also reinstall the stock Android image (and there are helpful guides on this site on how to do this should you ever need to).

So yes, unless you root your device, you're safe messing with things. If some app starts causing problems, uninstalling it and a reboot should fix it.


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Jan 25, 2013
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Impossible? I wouldn't say that, but it is extremely difficult to permanently screw up your device by mucking with settings and apps. Android won't allow you to uninstall or disable anything critical to its operation (you can see this yourself under Apps -> All, options to disable things like Android System will be greyed out). Force stopping and uninstalling/disabling random apps may cause unexpected and unpredictable behavior, but you can always perform a factory reset to fix most serious problems (Backup & reset -> Factory reset). If things truly go south, you can also reinstall the stock Android image (and there are helpful guides on this site on how to do this should you ever need to).

So yes, unless you root your device, you're safe messing with things. If some app starts causing problems, uninstalling it and a reboot should fix it.

So there's also no way to mess with my screens contrast or gamma settings like through that app I linked to, correct? Again, I believe it was just giving me color test patterns, but I really wanted to make sure I wasn't messing with my screens actual gamma or contrast settings. I did do a factory restore just to be safe. But does continually doing factory restores damage the device?


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Jan 25, 2013
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in all seriousness if you do have OCD, then spending a lot of time reading forum posts by people who may be having issues will probably send you into overdrive. Speaking as someone who doesn't have OCD I can tell you doing the same will also end up making you worry too much about too little. You've seen from talking to me before that I was getting edgy about staying with android, but I took a breather from all these problem posts and realized that I was putting too much faith in those posts. I'm staying with Android and glad I am. Perhaps this article will help you. As for the GPS/multitouch issues that some of us were experiencing are now being addressed by Google in an update that just started rolling out. (and now the 2-3 habitually annoying iFanboys who were shooting their mouths off about the iPad will have to S tee ef up. That was in the patch notes ;) )

Out of curiosity, what is it that makes you stick with android? See, I don't root or flash, so I'm beginning to wonder if maybe iOS's closed, but user experience focus might be better for me.


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Apr 1, 2010
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Out of curiosity, what is it that makes you stick with android? See, I don't root or flash, so I'm beginning to wonder if maybe iOS's closed, but user experience focus might be better for me.

Super high res retina displays are a waste of space is all you can put on the desktop is another stupid row of icons (aka, no widgets on their home screens) is a big one...

Jennifer Stough

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Feb 12, 2013
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That app will not mess with any permanent settings. Upon uninstall, and especially after factory reset, all default settings have returned. You will be fine as long as you don't root. Upon further reading your threads, I feel rooting may not be for you. You can achieve some customization without rooting, and upon uninstalling, your device will be as it was before. You could install a file explorer just incase, to use to search through your sd after uninstallation to be certain no traces of the app remain.

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using AC Forums mobile app


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Apr 2, 2011
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No, your colors are FINE. You can adjust them back.

App store apps do not have Root access (unless you're rooted) and that means there is no permanent change to your phone.

Posted via Android Central App


Jun 2, 2013
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Out of curiosity, what is it that makes you stick with android? See, I don't root or flash, so I'm beginning to wonder if maybe iOS's closed, but user experience focus might be better for me.

Did you read the article I linked you in the last post? It sums up my feelings pretty good. Also fwiw I just got Google's ota patch for the launch issues some people were having and my slightly off 2 finger touch is fixed.


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Jan 25, 2013
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Did you read the article I linked you in the last post? It sums up my feelings pretty good. Also fwiw I just got Google's ota patch for the launch issues some people were having and my slightly off 2 finger touch is fixed.

I still haven't received the OTA update, so you find any other improvements? I steeping better and the touch responsiveness?


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2013
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I am kind of the same way but you need to get over it. Not worth the hassle. They are just material things after all. BTW, $200 is not expensive but I get your point.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
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No, your colors are FINE. You can adjust them back.

App store apps do not have Root access (unless you're rooted) and that means there is no permanent change to your phone.

Posted via Android Central App

I probably don't need to, but out of curiosity, how does you adjust the colors? Again, I don't know if that app just simulated color spectrums or what. I did a factory restore in any case.

I think the app just let you use a color slider to show different color gamming or whatever to see if that she true of color caused banding. I'm unsure if it actually did anything goes to the screens actually color calibration.