Why does google hate their own products?

May 3, 2015
I love my Pixel C. But lately it's getting really frustrating. Google released Duo, Allo, Youtube Music and recently Youtube TV....and NONE of these apps are "compatible" with Pixel C. I sideloaded an early version of Youtube TV a while ago. It was buggy...and you had to navigate sideways...but it worked fine. The latest build wouldn't play DVR recordings....and NOW...google has flat out blocked all builds from sideload by blocking the app with an incompatibility warning at startup! This is total BS! It works on iPad!!! WTF Google???? I pay $35 for a service that I can't use on my $600 tablet made by them. Not cool. If this is how they service their high end devices I might be looking elsewhere next time.
I agree that isn't cool. But I would like to see if there is a legitimate hardware requirement list for those apps.
I just checked the play store on my Tab S2. Can't find YouTube TV, but YouTube Music, Duo, and Allo are all listed as incompatible and can't be installed.

This would be a prime example of why Android Tablets are failing and few high end options are still made. Compatibility problems with apps that are probably designed for phone and never updated for tablets.

I don't own an iPad but I have windows 10 tablets, and sadly though they don't have many apps, the ones they have tend to work better on Windows than their Android counter parts. Instagram is a good example, still no screen rotation or split view support for Android, just a better experience from Windows 10 or my Android phone than it is my tablet.
As was stated, it's compatibility with tablets, not specifically the Pixel C.
Google doesn't seem to have any interest in tablets anymore. I've been waiting for them to release a Nexus 7 (2013) and now I've realized they probably never will.
I believed Google Allo might pose a considerable threat to iMessage and give us the default 'go-to' messenger we desired but Naaaaa...
Instead we get a half baked, "me too" social messaging app which sucks far more than WhatsApp and the other dozens of IM players out there. No sms integration despite people complaining about it throughout the forums. No important advancements that might spark an innovation spark in the sector. Nothing. To top it, instead of a single messenger app, we get four-five completely off the rail applications that don't play nice even when it's with each other.

Sigh, to me, Google flipped the ball with Google Allo. It could have been so much more!!!!
Android tablets. You would think Android would be Google's first priority.

The services are their main priority. Apple devices had the likes of Gboard way before Android too. So long as they're collecting data the devices are irrelevant.
I love my Pixel C. But lately it's getting really frustrating. Google released Duo, Allo, Youtube Music and recently Youtube TV....and NONE of these apps are "compatible" with Pixel C. I sideloaded an early version of Youtube TV a while ago. It was buggy...and you had to navigate sideways...but it worked fine. The latest build wouldn't play DVR recordings....and NOW...google has flat out blocked all builds from sideload by blocking the app with an incompatibility warning at startup! This is total BS! It works on iPad!!! WTF Google???? I pay $35 for a service that I can't use on my $600 tablet made by them. Not cool. If this is how they service their high end devices I might be looking elsewhere next time.

Duo, Allo.

Phone number required?

Also, did they change it so you can now have those active on multiple devices at the same time?
My wife just got Assistant on her Galaxy Tab S (the FIRST one) and not a sign of it on the Pixel C.
Duo, Allo.

Phone number required?

Also, did they change it so you can now have those active on multiple devices at the same time?

And what is the advantage to this idiotic limitation? You can't send SMS on allo...so why restrict it to a phone number??? Google's approach to these apps is baffling. Had they just done an iMessage clone, people would use it. I don't know anyone that uses them.

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