why does my S6 sometimes fast charge and sometimes not


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2015
my S6 sometimes fast chargers and sometimes wont. some times it will say like 7 hours to full charge? does my charging port need replacing?
I'm almost positive all Samsung phones now come with an Adaptive charger, which should give it the fast charge. And a lot of the phones are set to do a slow charge when it hits about 96%. That should definitely not be 7 hours of charging with that last 4%. So there are a couple of variables that could be. It could be your wire that goes into your charging port. That's the first cheap fix I would try and if you have another box you can try that. I've used almost every box that doesn't come with the phone and I've got a decent charge out of it without destroying my battery. But it is recommended to use the same output amps that your original charging box has labeled. It's always on the charging port in very small print . For All Digital Electronics the output voltage is always 5 volts but the amps can vary and if they do not match you can slowly drain the life of your battery. If you still have the problem after that it may be a bigger problem. The structure/dwelling outlet may not be putting out the proper voltage or amperes. If you are connecting it to the same Outlet consistently, try using a different Outlet and see if the problem persists. I hope this helps. The only other thing I can think of is that you may have a battery or charging port programming problem. And if that's the case and your phone is still under warranty you should definitely have it replaced :-)
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sometimes itll charge with fast charge sometimes it will cable charge or slow charge. ive tried various cables

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