Why have all of my alarms but 2 didappeared off my 2 phones?


New member
Mar 15, 2021
So my wife and I both have the new Samsung S21 with T-Mobile. Went to set alarms on my wife's phone, and we have at least 5-7 alarms for various times we can turn on. All but 2 were gone. Thought it was weird, but didn't matter too much. This morning, all of my alarms on my phone were gone but 2. And it did matter this time. Because one of the missing ones was one that I had set, 100% positive it was set. Anyone have this same issue? And if so, is this a recurring thing, and is there a work around?
Welcome to Android Central! Did you happen to use a Hey Google command to cancel/turn off any of the alarms? I just recently discovered that doing so will actually delete the alarm, rather than just toggle it off.
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Hi, thanks for the warm welcome! And no, neither of us use voice commands.

It is just very odd that both of our alarms were deleted within 16 hours of each other, and each time only 2 remained. We have since set up our old nightstand alarm clock just in case something funky is going on with the reliability of the alarms.

Also I forgot to add, don't know if this is important or not, but T-Mobile just released a new software update for our phones. But she hadn't applied her update until after the alarms were deleted. I applied mine about an hour before bed. But the download and setup was complete when I set my alarms.
Strange. Do you have your phones set to automatically restart in the middle of the night?
This is the stock alarm. The one where you have the clock widget on the home screen and all you have to do is click on the time. Alternately you can search the app bar for "clock."
We do not. Also I should note that we have had our phones since launch. Preordered them, so several weeks ago. Everything has been fine with it all until last night/this morning.
This is the stock alarm. The one where you have the clock widget on the home screen and all you have to do is click on the time. Alternately you can search the app bar for "clock."
This widget your referring to?


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