I'm curious as to people's reasons for leaving the Beta program. (I understand joining to get Nougat, but then why "un-join"?) What are the disadvantages to staying with the program?
I see - so reporting to Google is a requirement when you receive a Beta OS?Some people were excited to get/try Nougat. In the future, they may not wish to run beta a OS, or to test report to google.
I see - so reporting to Google is a requirement when you receive a Beta OS?
I see - so reporting to Google is a requirement when you receive a Beta OS?
I've experienced the exact opposite. I left the beat program after getting the Nougat update instead of waiting for the OTA. Now the only way I was able to get the September update was to re-enroll. I guess I will be staying enrolled then....
Or unenroll, then flash the latest factory image. That way, back to factory status.
I think his comment wasn't so much focused on which image you have as it was that you're still enrolled in the Beta program.I already have the latest factory image.
I think his comment wasn't so much focused on which image you have as it was that you're still enrolled in the Beta program.
BTW, which image do you have - NRD90T or NRD90U?
I think his comment wasn't so much focused on which image you have as it was that you're still enrolled in the Beta program.
BTW, which image do you have - NRD90T or NRD90U?
As am I. Also received the update to T but was experiencing horrible battery life (Android Kernel was keeping the OS awake for hours) so I Factory Reset, flashed U, wiped the system cache and went through a clean setup. Battery life back to normal.Still trying to figure out the difference between T and U.