Why the Cliq?


Feb 28, 2010
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Just wondering why most of you (apparently not that many) chose the Cliq?
For me it was simple I guess. I wanted an Android device and I didn't want to switch carriers. I could have gone to Verizon but their plans are not so good. Yes, yes, I know that the Droid is better. More memory, newer OS, bigger and higher res screen, camera flash, etc., etc.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Cliq but, it seems, that the Android community disagrees with me. It's not easy to find fellow Cliq owners to ask questions and share info with. Is it just me? :confused:


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Apr 1, 2010
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Def not just you, I have found the same thing for my CLIQ XT, I cant even find cases or holsters for my device beside the 2 gel skins that tmo carries. I would love to root the device & put 2.1 on it but im not sure how to do it without any device specific info out there.

Feel you pain!


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Oct 6, 2009
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Just wondering why most of you (apparently not that many) chose the Cliq?
For me it was simple I guess. I wanted an Android device and I didn't want to switch carriers. I could have gone to Verizon but their plans are not so good. Yes, yes, I know that the Droid is better. More memory, newer OS, bigger and higher res screen, camera flash, etc., etc.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Cliq but, it seems, that the Android community disagrees with me. It's not easy to find fellow Cliq owners to ask questions and share info with. Is it just me? :confused:
Actually; I think TMO & Moto have sold a fair amount of Cliqs. While the Cliq XT is still pretty new so accessories are limited, there are many available for the Cliq.

While the lack of prodigious postings and forum activity may seem to indicate lack of interest, I'm going to postulate that it may be two other variables... many Cliq buyers are NOT phone gurus and it may be their 1st smartphone and people are; in general "actually pretty happy with their Cliq".

As to the Droid - as you say VZ is way, WAY more expensive on plans but I spent some time really looking & considering the Droid. What stopped me was the absolutely horrible and near useless keyboard. The hard rectangular shape and large size was also a turn-off. Sure I wouldn't mond a slighter bigger screen but the Cliq is fine (for my needs). Your other points are well-taken too but I'm finding all the software I need on Android 1.5 (although 2.1 WILL be nice) and I know that looking at that over-sized, ugly Droid every day and having to live with that useless keyboard every day would have been just un-acceptable!

/BD :cool:


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
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Just wondering why most of you (apparently not that many) chose the Cliq?
For me it was simple I guess. I wanted an Android device and I didn't want to switch carriers. I could have gone to Verizon but their plans are not so good. Yes, yes, I know that the Droid is better. More memory, newer OS, bigger and higher res screen, camera flash, etc., etc.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Cliq but, it seems, that the Android community disagrees with me. It's not easy to find fellow Cliq owners to ask questions and share info with. Is it just me? :confused:
Actually; I think TMO & Moto have sold a fair amount of Cliqs. While the Cliq XT is still pretty new so accessories are limited, there are many available for the Cliq.

While the lack of prodigious postings and forum activity may seem to indicate lack of interest, I'm going to postulate that it may be two other variables... many Cliq buyers are NOT phone gurus and it may be their 1st smartphone and people are; in general "actually pretty happy with their Cliq".

As to the Droid - as you say VZ is way, WAY more expensive on plans but I spent some time really looking & considering the Droid. What stopped me was the absolutely horrible and near useless keyboard. The hard rectangular shape and large size was also a turn-off. Sure I wouldn't mind a slighter bigger screen but the Cliq is fine (for my needs). Your other points are well-taken too but I'm finding all the software I need on Android 1.5 (although 2.1 WILL be nice) and I know that looking at that over-sized, ugly Droid every day and having to live with that useless keyboard every day would have been just un-acceptable!

/BD :cool:


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Feb 17, 2010
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I chose the Cliq because I needed to be with TMobile and I wanted to try Android after my less than stellar experience with Palm Pre. And I love the Cliq -- and have had no issues with it. I do miss rooting it -- the Palm Pre had great developers over at Palm Pre Central who made rooting so easy and relatively safe -- never had an issue with rooting. But the Cliq does all kinds of stuff without rooting so I find it's great just the way it is. My coworker has a Droid, and I just don't like it -- too bulky too square and for my money I don't see the big difference in abilities.
Apr 14, 2010
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Is there any site or author that has ported 2.1 to the Cliq? I don't hate 1.5, but have seen the speed enhancements on the Droid, Hero, etc. I know the update was originally set for 03/2010 but that didn't happen and I haven't seen any re-scheduled releases. I am looking at buying this because I can get a good one in the area off craigslist for 180-200 and can go with Even More Plus (I try to avoid contracts). This has a good full usage otterbox case also, I just want to avoid sluggish functionality. Does anyone have experience using the phone without motoblur widgets? I wonder how quick the device is then.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
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Is there any site or author that has ported 2.1 to the Cliq? I don't hate 1.5, but have seen the speed enhancements on the Droid, Hero, etc. I know the update was originally set for 03/2010 but that didn't happen and I haven't seen any re-scheduled releases. I am looking at buying this because I can get a good one in the area off craigslist for 180-200 and can go with Even More Plus (I try to avoid contracts). This has a good full usage otterbox case also, I just want to avoid sluggish functionality. Does anyone have experience using the phone without motoblur widgets? I wonder how quick the device is then.
Sure we're all disapointed that the 2.1 upgrade remains delayed but no phone on 1.5 or 1.6 has been upgraded to 2.1 as yet either.

So 30 more (or hopefully less) days to wait; but you know - I'm pretty happy with my Cliq. With the 1.4.8 updates applied, battery life is good, screen sensitivity is quite good and performance is fine. I really have very little if any lag (that I can notice) and am quite satisified and still really enjoying my Cliq!

/BD :cool:


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Feb 1, 2010
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Having used Blackberry for many years I got tired of their tired and wornout OS. When OS 5 hit the street and was a complete disgrace that was it for me. So over to the T-Mobile store I went and looked around for something different. I looked at the myTouch Fender, but it just seems way to commercial for me... I wouldn't take it out in a professional environment and use it. The updated myTouch (standard version) was not available at the time. I worked with the sales rep that I have worked with for nearly 6 years and he guided me to the CLIQ. He felt, knowing me and my requirements, that it was the best choice in terms of a T-Mobile Android device I had. He was right. The CLIQ is far better then any of the recent Blackberrys I have had... 8820, Pearl, 9000 and 8900. And, the OS is far superior.

My personal opinion is that the greater majority of people that own cell phones or smartphones don't participate in forums... they could care less. Their phone works and seems to be doing what it is supposed to do and that is as far as it goes. You will never see their opinions posted anywhere.

The CLIQ itself is a very good piece of hardware. Granted, it might now be considered a first generation Android device... but so is the Droid. I am not sure what is coming down the line for T-Mobile in terms of Android devices... but I am keeping the CLIQ until my next upgrade... about 9 months from now. 2.1 is coming sometime in the next couple of months and that will be a nice upgrade for the device. The most recent software upgrades have really enhanced the experience as well.

What I am a little disappointed with is the lack of recgonition by the owners of this forum for the CLIQ. They treat it as if it doesn't exist. All I read about is the Droid (which is an older device), the EVO 4G and the new Droid Incredible... along with some of the devices that haven't hit the market or won't ever hit the market. I think they mentioned the CLIQ in a less then one sentence passing statement on their last Podcast. Wake up guys... a whole lot of people out there own CLIQs and CLIQ XT devices... and, they like them! Give us some air-time as well!


Mar 11, 2010
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Lol, if you think the Cliq gets ignored, try a Samsung Moment. Stellar hardware, 800mhz arm 11 processor, lots of memory, beautiful large amoled screen, rock solid, but again, Android 1.5 out of the box and NO community support. I think with Android hackery it was based on the HTC/Windows community that had developed for a while. They just moved to android when the G1 came out, but kind of stayed focused on the HTC side. The Palm community was driven largely with Palms help by Jason Robitaille, and doesn't really create roms at all, just tweaks and hacks the existing roms alot. That stuff isn't getting to the Moto side. I used a pre and loved it, and loved the moment also, had to switch to TMO, did the g1 and the MyTouch 3g, switched to the Cliq and love the rock solid hardware (first phone that didn't bend or creak when i typed on it) and the little touches (ringer switch, actual 3.5 mm headphone jack) but not really happy with the "enhancements" to the android OS. Looking for roms, not finding much, and may switch back because I seem to need to tweakerate alot. Oh, well.
Apr 14, 2010
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On a follow up to you all, the hacking section on theunlockr.com has a VERY simple way to root this phone, and allows for a speedy ROM image if you are unhappy or like to dissect the phone. from what I've seen only the N1 allows for a lot of ROM changery, and I don't wanna go away from Even More Plus or drop $529... I just wanted to pickup a used Cliq on Craigslist, but was unsure if they were laggy, since phone techies shy from them. I tried one in a store and do like the responsive nature of the screen and the keyboard is still by far the best. I'm an old Alltel customer, and used only Blackberries till now. I use Linux at home and appreciate a *Nix phone, just wanted to say I appreciate first hand reviews of the phones responsiveness.


Its not that people don't like it!

Its a numbers game.

Do people NOT like the Zune? No, plenty of people love it, but you only see iPod stuff to attach to an iPod.

iPod's outsell Zunes 10-1

Same with say the Droid and the Cliq.

The Droid sold around three MILLION units to date on the largest cellular company in the country who is owned by the largest cellular company in the world.

Its truly unfair, granted. But they just don't see money in it, so they won't bother with it.


May 23, 2010
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Well I'm thinking of buying a Dext actually the same as the cliq, but I'm not really sure yet, since T-Mobile is coming out with their MyTouch3G too, and that looks like it's a really neat phone


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Sep 11, 2010
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My personal opinion is that the greater majority of people that own cell phones or smartphones don't participate in forums... they could care less. Their phone works and android phone seems to be doing what it is supposed to do and that is as far as it goes. You will never see their opinions posted anywhere.


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Jun 30, 2011
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Here in Brazil, Cliq Xt is called Quench, and all of them breaks within weeks, wasn't what happened to me, mine broke within months, when it came back to my hands, I managed to install a brazilian distro and update it to 2.1, it worked and I don't have those headaches I had before with it anymore.. !!:):):D