Why you STILL should not buy this phone even at $499

I cancelled my Pixel 2 XL order the other day amid all the negative press.
Purchased a black PH-1 instead via Amazon, and will give it a shot.
Worst case, I dislike the phone and return it, then order a Pixel hoping they got their **** together.

Say what you will about how they've gone about the phone so far... but the price drop at this particular time was genius.
Has this policy changed recently? Their "About Items That Can't be Returned" page doesn't mention electronic devices other than those beyond the 30-day cutoff. Let us know if you discover otherwise.
No you can return them with no issues in the US. In fact i have initiated the return for essential phone last week when the price dropped to $599 but have still not returned it and waiting to see what happens with the coupon code thing.
I might be wrong, but I believe Amazon doesn't allow return of cellphones any more.
Which country? In US that's not the policy. In the US if they don't allow returns no one is buying from them. At least I'm not going to buy from a retailer who says you can't return this stuff once you buy. They can charge a restocking fee like few retailers do, but a retailer who says returns not allowed for any reason isn't getting my business. I mean their could be million things wrong with the phone so that's a silly policy.
I went all in on this phone as my only device, I haven't regretted it one bit. It's a hell of device and works wonderfully.
It's gotten better over time.

But it lacks some things which I'd like on my daily. That's why I use a Note8, although Essential did make a pretty phone.
It's gotten better over time.

But it lacks some things which I'd like on my daily. That's why I use a Note8, although Essential did make a pretty phone.

Not every phone is for every person. Personally the note 8 is way to damn big my me. It doesn't do anything that justifies a near $1000 dollar price tag. It's a pure money grab device to make up for the note 7 disaster. That's just my opinion on the device, the one thing I do like is my hardcore apple till death friend loves his note 8.
Not every phone is for every person. Personally the note 8 is way to damn big my me. It doesn't do anything that justifies a near $1000 dollar price tag. It's a pure money grab device to make up for the note 7 disaster. That's just my opinion on the device, the one thing I do like is my hardcore apple till death friend loves his note 8.
I don't think any phone is worth $1000, but I do love mine.
That's the reason I prefixed my sentence earlier with "I might be wrong". But thanks for permanently fixing it for me lol.

Or you could end up like that guy in Indiana? Who returned too man elcetronics and they cancelled his prime membership!
i cant believe I did it. but i bought it. will arrive in 2 weeks (out of the US).
I just hope I will get a good experience.
the bottom line for me was form factor & price. I have had it with large phones (sold my beloved nexus 6p - its just too damn dig). essential looked like one of the better 500$ phones in this form factor... or at least I hope so.
i cant believe I did it. but i bought it. will arrive in 2 weeks (out of the US).
I just hope I will get a good experience.
the bottom line for me was form factor & price. I have had it with large phones (sold my beloved nexus 6p - its just too damn dig). essential looked like one of the better 500$ phones in this form factor... or at least I hope so.

I hope you enjoy it! Did you go white or black?
I'm supposed to get the Pure White delivered today from Amazon. I had the black one as an early adopter and really liked it, but couldn't use Wi-Fi calling with Verizon (because of their unfriendliness towards unlocked phones) so that sucked. Then I realized I could Wi-Fi calling through FB messenger from my house and I pulled the plug on another one. I'll flip-flop between this new 2 XL and that phone now. I'm looking forward to having the white one.
i cant believe I did it. but i bought it. will arrive in 2 weeks (out of the US).
I just hope I will get a good experience.
the bottom line for me was form factor & price. I have had it with large phones (sold my beloved nexus 6p - its just too damn dig). essential looked like one of the better 500$ phones in this form factor... or at least I hope so.
After much debate, it's good to see you order one. Hopefully it works out for you. My latest black PH-1 is assembled better than my original from launch so yours should be free of physical defects. The software seems smoother by now as well. The camera app in HDR mode isn't all that bad, but I've not had any time to test it thoroughly.
I'm supposed to get the Pure White delivered today from Amazon. I had the black one as an early adopter and really liked it, but couldn't use Wi-Fi calling with Verizon (because of their unfriendliness towards unlocked phones) so that sucked. Then I realized I could Wi-Fi calling through FB messenger from my house and I pulled the plug on another one. I'll flip-flop between this new 2 XL and that phone now. I'm looking forward to having the white one.

Take a pic of the white one once you get it. I'm interested in seeing it outside of promotional ads.

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