Question will instagram folder if get s25 in a few weeks be working like used to show new pics instagram folder in gallery app after camera roll or not


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
this has been on my mind and i don't know what to do about situation i know i talk about this back in sept

but still worry if i just leave instagram folder like it is under pictures internal storage and because back in sept i removed instagram folder and unlike 1st time i did it didn't reproduce a new instagram folder inside pictures i had to make one and no new pics won't show up instagram in gallery after i do camera roll

will i still be having this same issue if i do get s25 in a few weeks i don't know if i should just delete the folder and after i install instagram on new phone and take a pic camera in gallery app after if that new pic will show up in and reproduce instangram folder afterwards or not

am not sure since i share instagram to facebook if i should put back old pics or start fresh with new pics that is if instagram folder actually does get move over to s25 since internal storage or not

can somebody please tell me what to do about situation
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
i'm not actually talking about instagram galley its the samsung gallery app since no new pics not showing up under instagram folder inside samsung gallery app and it seems if you delete it off phone the folder it will only reproduce 1 time 2nd time it won't like i said i haven't seen any new pics appearing after i did camera roll back in sept

so again am not sure what to do