Worth it?


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Feb 28, 2011
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So it is that time of the year where I update my techy stuff. I currently have the razr maxx and am thinking about the DNA. Would it be a good buy??


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Jun 29, 2011
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I love it. I mean the note 2 has more stuff. People talk about storage and battery. Im on unlimited data so the cloud is good for me. I have 10gb of storage left. Battery for me is greaat 13-17 hours. I work 13 hr a day and I'm at 40% at the end off the day. . Heavy use I get 10 hrs. Light use last all day. Display is great. People say you can't tell the difference. I def can. Coming from a galaxy nexus I can't complain. There is talks of another HTC phone. 4.7 1080p. But if you want something more, it's not a bad choice.

sent from my droid DNA


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2010
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So it is that time of the year where I update my techy stuff. I currently have the razr maxx and am thinking about the DNA. Would it be a good buy??

You're on a DNA forum, so most people here are probably going to say it's worth it. Of course I'm inclined to agree with them. This is the best phone I've ever owned, bar none. It's actually the first phone I haven't felt the need to root (although I probably will for fun at some point).


Mar 1, 2012
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Yeah my homie just got one. The display is nice and good on the eyes and the wireless chargin is raw but the 16 gb is a deal breaker for me. YMMV

Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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OP, seems like quite an upgrade from the rzr. I recommend going in and using the DNA and comparing it to other devices and getting what works best for you. That would be worth it.


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Feb 18, 2011
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I've went through a Galaxy Nexus and a Galaxy S3 within the past year...overall, I think the Droid DNA is an excellent purchase.

1) Excellent form, feels great in the hand and I love the feel of the soft touch on the back. It's really a beautiful phone.
2) Display is gorgeous
3) Sense is stable. I haven't had one force close outside of some incompatible apps from the Play Store.
4) Signal has been great for me (although your mileage may vary based on location)
5) Battery lasts me all day but then again I'm typically always near a power outlet. However, I never felt anxiety over having a depleted battery when I'm out and about. Again, your mileage may vary.

1) Camera has been disappointing but average on a smartphone camera scale. Pictures turn out noisy for me on auto but even when I play around with the camera settings, I never really get great results like I did on the GS3. On that point, the GS3 wins. I'm hoping a software update can improve image processing a bit because it could definitely use some tweaking.
2) The display might be a bit too tall. I find myself having to really stretch to pull down the notification tray or reach action bar items that are positioned at the top of apps. However, I knew the display would be big going in and it doesn't really bother me too much. However, I think 4.7 inches is my sweet spot for one handed usability (I never had issues with my GNex in this regard).
3) Sense is rather ugly to me but that's because I prefer the look of Android's stock UI. If they could incorporate the functionality of Sense with the look of Google's own Holo UI, then I would be a very happy man. I also think they could have done away from the dedicated capactive buttons for navigation and went with on-screen buttons like on the GNex. The screen is certainly tall enough to incorporate it without using too much screen real estate.
4) Battery door ripped off in just a week

But as been said before, you really need to use the phone in person to get a feel for it. Also, I don't feel it's fair to compare this phone to the Note 2 as they are in slightly different categories. I'd say the main head to head for the DNA is the GS3.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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Get a QI supported charging mat, then just drop the phone on the target. I have an Energizer QI charger and it has a large charging surface and you pretty much just drop the phone and forget it!


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Oct 16, 2009
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Coming from a Maxx it might be hard to accept the battery life. Make sure you can handle that. If so, it is an excellent device. I would purchase the Nokia charging pad instead of the mat. The Nokia takes up less room, does not make a noise and has a tiny charge light that doesn't light up the bedroom.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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I've went through a Galaxy Nexus and a Galaxy S3 within the past year...overall, I think the Droid DNA is an excellent purchase.

1) Camera has been disappointing but average on a smartphone camera scale. Pictures turn out noisy for me on auto but even when I play around with the camera settings, I never really get great results like I did on the GS3. On that point, the GS3 wins. I'm hoping a software update can improve image processing a bit because it could definitely use some tweaking.

Funny, I would have thought the f/2.0 meant something as that was partially what drew me in--but based on all the comparison pics, the S3 is clearly sharper/more vivid, and the video on the DNA pretty bad. Definitely not regretting my purchase, but you'd think the "2013 phone" would have a better camera, or at least an on-par one.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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I had the galaxy nexus before this phone. I love the phone for its speed,wireless charging and screen. The only thing I miss is the on screen buttons and the larger list of roms the nexus had. By far the one to have from VZW at this point and time. The note is nice but the screen is bigger than I like along with the build of the phone. I'm waiting for the list of roms to get bigger so I can start my crack flashing.

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