Worth upgrading to?

Aug 3, 2012
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I currently have a s3 from att and I was wondering if the DNA is worth the upgrade? Its between this and the note 2. Last time I had a HTC phone I hated it!!!! It was the HTC evo 3d......has HTC upped their game since??

Sent from my S3 from AT&T


Mar 14, 2011
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Depends on your needs the DNA is a excellent phone with the exception of storage space,in my opinion it is worlds ahead of Samsung phones better display and build quality

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2


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Apr 24, 2010
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I currently have a s3 from att and I was wondering if the DNA is worth the upgrade? Its between this and the note 2. Last time I had a HTC phone I hated it!!!! It was the HTC evo 3d......has HTC upped their game since??

Sent from my S3 from AT&T

Yes, there are some spec improvements from the S3 to the DNA. However, if you were already on VZW, I wouldn't recommend using an upgrade on the DNA. I like the device better than my wife's S3, but that has more to do with my preference of Sense over Touch Wiz.

If you are moving to VZW and like the S3 and Touch Wiz, I would stick with it or get the Note. Especially if you didn't like the Evo. I'm not sure what you didn't like about it, but I wouldn't assume it has changed.


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Apr 20, 2010
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How's the battery life? I'm thinking of getting the Droid DNA for my girlfriend. She can renew with Verizon next month and her Droid Charge is absolutely on its last legs. My primary concern is how long the phone will last with that screen. Also, how's the size and comfort? The Note 2 is probably too big for her and the S3 only has so much shelf life left.


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Apr 24, 2010
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How's the battery life? I'm thinking of getting the Droid DNA for my girlfriend. She can renew with Verizon next month and her Droid Charge is absolutely on its last legs. My primary concern is how long the phone will last with that screen. Also, how's the size and comfort? The Note 2 is probably too big for her and the S3 only has so much shelf life left.

We still have a Droid Charge in the house. The battery life of the DNA is way better in my experience. I like the size, it is the perfect width to type comfortably with the portrait keyboard.


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Apr 17, 2010
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I currently have a s3 from att and I was wondering if the DNA is worth the upgrade? Its between this and the note 2. Last time I had a HTC phone I hated it!!!! It was the HTC evo 3d......has HTC upped their game since??

I had the OG Evo and loved it, upgraded to the 3D and really didn't care for the design/build quality. The DNA is more reminiscent of the OG...which is to say, awesome:)

That said, you either like Sense or you don't... Personally no power on this earth could make me like TouchWiz and the DNA has the most beautiful screen I've ever seen. I hear the camera is pretty bad in comparison to Samsung's latest, but I hardly care because I don't take photos with it.

I'm actually using it on T-Mo, and it'll also work fine on AT&T...so you don't have to switch to Verizon if you don't want to:) ...granted speeds will be significantly slower=/


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Jun 25, 2011
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I had the first 3 EVOs on Sprint. The 3D was EASILY the worst of the three. The latest is actually a great phone I hated to turn in but I just couldn't deal with Sprint's "network" anymore.

First thing I was worried about was the camera as everything you read is bad. Seems to be just as good as the EVO LTE but quicker and I was VERY happy with the LTE camera. Seems to be better than the wife's camera on her S3 but I'm not 100% that that is fact.

Battery life, seems to be damn good so far also. I only got this phone yesterday so I don't have much time with it yet. I'll know more tomorrow after a regular work day. One thing I do know is I now use Google Music and the cloud since there's no microsd and the screen is AMAZING!!!!!


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Apr 20, 2010
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Thanks for the battery life feedback. she ends up playing on Facebook quite a lot using the app, which appears to be a huge drain on her Droid Charge battery. But I think that this is the 1 I'm going to get her. it looks like a wonderful device. If I wasn't so in love with stock Android, the DNA would be in my hand right now.


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Aug 30, 2012
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I'm new to HTC phones--they certainly have little quirks (camera on the DNA is no improvement on 2012 smartphones even if you use Camera FV-5--but in almost every other way it's 2013-ready) but all the great things about this phone outweigh the negatives. I do have battery issues, but based on what I've been reading on these forums my battery may be quirky. Definitely not for the heavy user, or someone who isn't diligent about shutting off signals when not in use.

Storage isn't a big issue for me, I have 6GB left. I just truncated my music library to only the stuff I listen to. I don't have enormous 2GB EA games apps on here, but you could probably have one or two at a time without issues. There's always the cloud--even on my 2GB plan saving everything to the cloud is very doable. Just don't store 1,000,000 photos on your device, as 8MP pics do take up space.

The only thing holding you back would be if you're in no hurry to upgrade--in which case you might want to wait a couple months for flagship releases.

If I wasn't so in love with stock Android, the DNA would be in my hand right now.
I use Nova Launcher, Widget Locker, etc--does a good enough job that I don't miss raw JB :).

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