Yes its Oct 2017, but i bought a 6p


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2014
Im waiting for the hail of "you crazy guy" replies, but.. yep my local store had a pre-owned "B" graded 64GB white frost 6P for £250, so I grabbed it.. It wasnt in the original 6P box, but came with a pixel charger and USB C > C cable.

Its in Stunning condition, the body and silver rim of the phone is as new... with the exception of a tiny ding in the bottom right corner, which i didnt notice until i did my usual condition check under a light but both speakers are on point and not distorted by over volume, also the visor is perfectly clean.. No scratches or damage.

It actually looks like its never been used really, however, I do have a 48hr exchange window from CEX, but so far, im impressed.

I went for this because to me, the Pixel XL just isnt worth it,its ugly, its got a mono speaker and apart from a better low-light camera, the 6p and XL dont seem that different in images.

Ive only got it today, so im still testing the battery, and that will tell if its been hammered or not.

Did i get a good buy or not ?
I think so. The battery is a weak point, but if yours has had as little use as you think, then it should be fine for a fair while. The black one has a problem with the anodised coating coming off the aluminium body, but I haven't heard any reports of this issue with the white one. I hope you enjoy.
Im waiting for the hail of "you crazy guy" replies, but.. yep my local store had a pre-owned "B" graded 64GB white frost 6P for £250, so I grabbed it.. It wasnt in the original 6P box, but came with a pixel charger and USB C > C cable.

Its in Stunning condition, the body and silver rim of the phone is as new... with the exception of a tiny ding in the bottom right corner, which i didnt notice until i did my usual condition check under a light but both speakers are on point and not distorted by over volume, also the visor is perfectly clean.. No scratches or damage.

It actually looks like its never been used really, however, I do have a 48hr exchange window from CEX, but so far, im impressed.

I went for this because to me, the Pixel XL just isnt worth it,its ugly, its got a mono speaker and apart from a better low-light camera, the 6p and XL dont seem that different in images.

Ive only got it today, so im still testing the battery, and that will tell if its been hammered or not.

Did i get a good buy or not ?
I just bought one in September or just only a week ago. I found mine brand new although out of warranty I still bought it because I got it for $150 dollars. I'm not sure what your price translate to in US dollars but mine is frost white too but came new sealed in box. My apps are draining my battery a bit but a buddy of mine showed me a way to turn background modes on apps so battery should go back up to good now. Depends on what you paid for it US dollars before I can say if you got a good deal. I know mine is not typical at only $150 dollars. I would have paid $350 for mine pretty easily but he offered me the deal and was a nice guy. I don't blame you for buying one as I'm right there with you. Mine is literally 5 days old now and I've ordered skins and everything for it. It's a stunning phone design and is plenty fast enough running stock pure Android. You're right when it's not a lot of difference between it and the Pixel. Are you running Oreo 8.0 yet? You should be.
Im waiting for the hail of "you crazy guy" replies, but.. yep my local store had a pre-owned "B" graded 64GB white frost 6P for £250, so I grabbed it.. It wasnt in the original 6P box, but came with a pixel charger and USB C > C cable.

Its in Stunning condition, the body and silver rim of the phone is as new... with the exception of a tiny ding in the bottom right corner, which i didnt notice until i did my usual condition check under a light but both speakers are on point and not distorted by over volume, also the visor is perfectly clean.. No scratches or damage.

It actually looks like its never been used really, however, I do have a 48hr exchange window from CEX, but so far, im impressed.

I went for this because to me, the Pixel XL just isnt worth it,its ugly, its got a mono speaker and apart from a better low-light camera, the 6p and XL dont seem that different in images.

Ive only got it today, so im still testing the battery, and that will tell if its been hammered or not.

Did i get a good buy or not ?
I say "good for you"!!! I bought mine used late last year (in great condition) and it's been my best phone yet. When I look at the cost of brand new phones and how they're generally minimally better than the models they're replacing, I would never buy a brand new phone again (unless it was some incredible bargain). Best of luck with your "new" phone.
Im waiting for the hail of "you crazy guy" replies, but.. yep my local store had a pre-owned "B" graded 64GB white frost 6P for £250, so I grabbed it.. It wasnt in the original 6P box, but came with a pixel charger and USB C > C cable.

Its in Stunning condition, the body and silver rim of the phone is as new... with the exception of a tiny ding in the bottom right corner, which i didnt notice until i did my usual condition check under a light but both speakers are on point and not distorted by over volume, also the visor is perfectly clean.. No scratches or damage.

It actually looks like its never been used really, however, I do have a 48hr exchange window from CEX, but so far, im impressed.

I went for this because to me, the Pixel XL just isnt worth it,its ugly, its got a mono speaker and apart from a better low-light camera, the 6p and XL dont seem that different in images.

Ive only got it today, so im still testing the battery, and that will tell if its been hammered or not.

Did i get a good buy or not ?
Yes...I just bought one too. Killer phone.
I say "good for you"!!! When I look at the cost of brand new phones and how they're generally minimally better than the models they're replacing, I would never buy a brand new phone again (unless it was some incredible bargain). Best of luck with your "new" phone.

I was going to make this very point, but youve said my feelings and thoughts Exactly :)...

Im surprised how supportive everyone is.. and i feel so much more confident in my purchase, so thanks everyone :)..

Yes, thanks Dconn1975, It updated straight to Oero as soon as i joined my wifi when it was charging and £250 is about $335.. which is alot more than you paid yourself, but considering my 6Ps immaculate condition, Im fine with it.

I looked on eBay, and even the lowest 32GB model is selling here in the UK for between £200 - £250, so I think i got a sweet deal for the 64GB, and the Frost White is iovely.. already turned a few heads today :).

Battery, thankfully is fine.. Ive drained it once from 100 - 0%, and yes it reached 3-2-1-0% and shut off.. so it seems as if it functioning fine, although it drained pretty quick.. but that could be because its been sat in a drawer or something for a while so a full cycle is needed..

One thing I found though is Google Newsstand drains it really badly (googles own apps eh.. hehe), so after removing Newsatnd, it has settled down, but I know batteries can take 2 or 3 days to settle after a major OS update.

Im really happy with the speakers, they have a lovely rounded sound, I would say better and louder than the XZ premium, iPhone 7+ and U11, maybe on par with the P10 plus. The camera IMO is great, but because of its age and f2.0 lense, it suffers a bit focusing in Low-light, but otherwise outdoor shots are crisp and clear.. I love the Pixel cameras 2.0 UI and "tap to expose", really great for a 2 yr old phone, but as Blurr26 pointed out above.. these new phones coming out make tiny improvements, yet we're paying £/$100s more for basically the same phone... and in the case of the 6P, due to waterproofing membranes covering speakers... a step backwards with speaker quality.

I want t9o ask though, for the camera.. do you guys prefer HDR on / Off or Auto?.

I love my 6P and i still have my money and no contract.. now thats great :)
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Good phone ;)

I was lucky enough to have my N6P replaced with a refurbished (read brand new) 32GB graphite model from Google last week; my previous one wouldn't charge to 100% and died at 30%! The replacement came to me in a fully sealed box, with fully sealed/unused accessories etc. Can't see how it was refurbished and it has a full 2 year warranty!

I too have decided to stay away from the Pixel XL as it simply isn't enough of an upgrade over the N6P for me and the prices for the Pixel XL over here are still OTT IMO (CPW sell them at £449 for a brand new 32GB XL); but that's twice the value of what I'd say my N6P is, but not twice as good!

Re the camera; I just leave HDR on at all times; only really use the camera for when I'm taking vids of my training sessions etc
Good phone ;)

I was lucky enough to have my N6P replaced with a refurbished (read brand new) 32GB graphite model from Google last week; my previous one wouldn't charge to 100% and died at 30%! The replacement came to me in a fully sealed box, with fully sealed/unused accessories etc. Can't see how it was refurbished and it has a full 2 year warranty!

I too have decided to stay away from the Pixel XL as it simply isn't enough of an upgrade over the N6P for me and the prices for the Pixel XL over here are still OTT IMO (CPW sell them at £449 for a brand new 32GB XL); but that's twice the value of what I'd say my N6P is, but not twice as good!

Re the camera; I just leave HDR on at all times; only really use the camera for when I'm taking vids of my training sessions etc

It take it your in UK too :)..

I think sometimes when people buy a phone and return it in the 14-day cooldown / DSR, CPW or other places buy them, re-seal them and re-sell them as "Refurbished", they may only have been used for 1 or 2 days :)

Yeah, for me too.. Pixel XL is a step backwards, Mono speaker is OK, but in the XLs favour, it has an awesome Low-Light camera though.. but in saying that... standard Daylight shots are fantastic on the 6P :), and if i wanted to take lots of low-light images.. I wouldnt use a phone anyway.

Thanks for the HDR tip.. Ive only really tried the camera to test its EIS and make sure its working, but ill try the different modes tomorrow.

I just wish I could ditch the square blocky Icons without having to download a 3rd party launcher and its Icon Pack .

Thanks :)
It take it your in UK too :)..

I think sometimes when people buy a phone and return it in the 14-day cooldown / DSR, CPW or other places buy them, re-seal them and re-sell them as "Refurbished", they may only have been used for 1 or 2 days :)

Yeah, for me too.. Pixel XL is a step backwards, Mono speaker is OK, but in the XLs favour, it has an awesome Low-Light camera though.. but in saying that... standard Daylight shots are fantastic on the 6P :), and if i wanted to take lots of low-light images.. I wouldnt use a phone anyway.

Thanks for the HDR tip.. Ive only really tried the camera to test its EIS and make sure its working, but ill try the different modes tomorrow.

I just wish I could ditch the square blocky Icons without having to download a 3rd party launcher and its Icon Pack .

Thanks :)

Just stick Nova Launcher on to it; you'll not regret it ;)

And yes, I'm UK too :)
I was going to make this very point, but youve said my feelings and thoughts Exactly :)...

Im surprised how supportive everyone is.. and i feel so much more confident in my purchase, so thanks everyone :)..

Yes, thanks Dconn1975, It updated straight to Oero as soon as i joined my wifi when it was charging and £250 is about $335.. which is alot more than you paid yourself, but considering my 6Ps immaculate condition, Im fine with it.

I looked on eBay, and even the lowest 32GB model is selling here in the UK for between £200 - £250, so I think i got a sweet deal for the 64GB, and the Frost White is iovely.. already turned a few heads today :).

Battery, thankfully is fine.. Ive drained it once from 100 - 0%, and yes it reached 3-2-1-0% and shut off.. so it seems as if it functioning fine, although it drained pretty quick.. but that could be because its been sat in a drawer or something for a while so a full cycle is needed..

One thing I found though is Google Newsstand drains it really badly (googles own apps eh.. hehe), so after removing Newsatnd, it has settled down, but I know batteries can take 2 or 3 days to settle after a major OS update.

Im really happy with the speakers, they have a lovely rounded sound, I would say better and louder than the XZ premium, iPhone 7+ and U11, maybe on par with the P10 plus. The camera IMO is great, but because of its age and f2.0 lense, it suffers a bit focusing in Low-light, but otherwise outdoor shots are crisp and clear.. I love the Pixel cameras 2.0 UI and "tap to expose", really great for a 2 yr old phone, but as Blurr26 pointed out above.. these new phones coming out make tiny improvements, yet we're paying £/$100s more for basically the same phone... and in the case of the 6P, due to waterproofing membranes covering speakers... a step backwards with speaker quality.

I want t9o ask though, for the camera.. do you guys prefer HDR on / Off or Auto?.

I love my 6P and i still have my money and no contract.. now thats great :)
I'd keep HDR on as I've watched several review videos on the 6p and they all said to keep HDR on at all times for the best picture with accurate colors.

That's still a great deal you got on yours especially since it came in the original box. That's very important to me when I buy a phone is am I getting the original box and that is for resell down the road. Congrats on a nice pick up. I know I'll loving mine too. You should pick you up a dbrand skin now. They make a variety of colors and gives the phone a much better grip. I rarely use a case for mine though. I'll post a pic of one of my skins I have. Right now I just ordered the orange color skin with blue letters. Will be a good skin for Halloween and October time. I'll post pics of it when it arrives too. Should be here in a couple of days. Again congrats on your new 6p. To me I have found it to be my all time favorite Android device. This is my second time owning it except my first time around I paid $399 for a 32g model brand new where this time I paid $150 for a 64g model. I'm super stoked about the deal I got and so should you be. It's just that good of a phone.
I'd keep HDR on as I've watched several review videos on the 6p and they all said to keep HDR on at all times for the best picture with accurate colors.

That's still a great deal you got on yours especially since it came in the original box. That's very important to me when I buy a phone is am I getting the original box and that is for resell down the road. Congrats on a nice pick up. I know I'll loving mine too. You should pick you up a dbrand skin now. They make a variety of colors and gives the phone a much better grip. I rarely use a case for mine though. I'll post a pic of one of my skins I have. Right now I just ordered the orange color skin with blue letters. Will be a good skin for Halloween and October time. I'll post pics of it when it arrives too. Should be here in a couple of days. Again congrats on your new 6p. To me I have found it to be my all time favorite Android device. This is my second time owning it except my first time around I paid $399 for a 32g model brand new where this time I paid $150 for a 64g model. I'm super stoked about the deal I got and so should you be. It's just that good of a phone.

Im like yourself as well.. If I buy Pre-owned, I like my phones in boxes for re-selling, but unfortunately, i didnt get the original box with my 6P.. but it came with the original PIXEL/Nexus charger and usb C > C charge cable. Also its in such immaculate as new condition.. I over-looked the box.

The 6P is getting on abit in mobile standards, plus the fact that Im pulling back from the flodded OTT mobile scene that by the time im ready for an upgrade in a years time, it'll not be worth anything. Its such a great device so I dont think ill be selling it.. Ill just keep it as a backup.

Thanks for the tip Dconn1975, but Im not a Skins kind of person.. I prefer clear, Soft TPU cases.. so I can show it off in all its glory, TPU rubber is nice and grippy so no slip, people can see it.. and its protected from scratches. Im pleased to say.. the battery is great and so far its fantastic.. iut just wont run down.. hehe, so my suspicions were right.. its hardly ever been used, if at all :)

Im like yourself as well.. If I buy Pre-owned, I like my phones in boxes for re-selling, but unfortunately, i didnt get the original box with my 6P.. but it came with the original PIXEL/Nexus charger and usb C > C charge cable. Also its in such immaculate as new condition.. I over-looked the box.

The 6P is getting on abit in mobile standards, plus the fact that Im pulling back from the flodded OTT mobile scene that by the time im ready for an upgrade in a years time, it'll not be worth anything. Its such a great device so I dont think ill be selling it.. Ill just keep it as a backup.

Thanks for the tip Dconn1975, but Im not a Skins kind of person.. I prefer clear, Soft TPU cases.. so I can show it off in all its glory, TPU rubber is nice and grippy so no slip, people can see it.. and its protected from scratches. Im pleased to say.. the battery is great and so far its fantastic.. iut just wont run down.. hehe, so my suspicions were right.. its hardly ever been used, if at all :)

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Good for you my friend. You've got a good one. I currently have this set up coming for my 6p. White carbon fiber with a red camera and red letters. Should look pretty clean and killer.
Im like yourself as well.. If I buy Pre-owned, I like my phones in boxes for re-selling, but unfortunately, i didnt get the original box with my 6P.. but it came with the original PIXEL/Nexus charger and usb C > C charge cable. Also its in such immaculate as new condition.. I over-looked the box.

The 6P is getting on abit in mobile standards, plus the fact that Im pulling back from the flodded OTT mobile scene that by the time im ready for an upgrade in a years time, it'll not be worth anything. Its such a great device so I dont think ill be selling it.. Ill just keep it as a backup.

Thanks for the tip Dconn1975, but Im not a Skins kind of person.. I prefer clear, Soft TPU cases.. so I can show it off in all its glory, TPU rubber is nice and grippy so no slip, people can see it.. and its protected from scratches. Im pleased to say.. the battery is great and so far its fantastic.. iut just wont run down.. hehe, so my suspicions were right.. its hardly ever been used, if at all :)

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I stayed with white because my Nexus 6p is white. It should match up perfectly and give me that added grip I need. Sometimes I rock a case especially when I leave the house but otherwise I just use my skins.